Sunday, April 26, 2009

Backlash Preview

Come and watch what might be a very unwatched show....

Seriously, Mania was three weeks ago, UFC and TNA pay per views were last week, and the economy sucks beyond belief. Add that to a lackluster lineup, and the buyrate for this is likely to be historically bad.

A Wrestlemania review will be coming shortly, but here's a preview of my thoughts on it; one match was remarkably amazing, the others remarkably forgettable. Still glad I ordered it, but beyond Michaels-Taker it sort of underwhelmed. I think we're in for more of that this month, and Michaels and Taker are nowhere to be seen.

Tonight's show is from the Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence, RI. Here's the card, as always in projected and likely incorrect match order:

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. Chris Jericho
Steamboat looked great on Mania and at the subsequent Raw, and this is one of the few midcard matches that might actually prop up the buys for this show. I can't wait to see it, and I'm just glad that Steamboat gets to have an official WWF Final Match, it beats going out as the fire-breathing Dragon character from the early 90s.

Winner: Ricky Steamboat
My Pick: Ricky Steamboat

CM Punk vs. Kane
Why? Why is this on pay per view? I love Punk but I wouldn't even really want to see this on Raw. The website claims that they're feuding over both almost winning the MITB match, or something, who knows.

Winner: CM Punk, because why would Kane go over anyone at this point?
My Pick: CM Punk and some sort of explanation for this

ECW Championship
Christian vs. Jack Swagger

They're finally letting Swagger back on pay per view! Not sure who's going to take this, but it'll be a great litmus test of McMahon's faith in Swagger; we all know he hates Christian, even if Christian wins here.

Winner: Jack Swagger
My Pick: Christian

I Quit Match
Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy
Rumor has it that Jeff's contract expires this summer and he's not signing an extension, thus the repeated jobbing to Matt. Still, I think Jeff gets at least one redeeming win in what appears to be the blowoff to this. Bret making Owen this was not.

Winner: Jeff Hardy
My Pick: Jeff Hardy

Special "Really, This Is On PPV?" Edition of the Khali Kiss Cam with Santina

Oh lordy. I love Santino, but let's keep this short, ok?

WCW Championship
Last Man Standing Match
John Cena vs. Edge

I think I have this figured out, and here's where I hope they're going with it. Everyone knows that they're not yet at the point of actual brand reconsolidation, and that Smackdown's getting a title; therefore, the prevailing opinion is that Edge wins here, or that CM Punk immediately cashes in his shot against the winner. I don't see either of those scenarios happening, and here's why:

CM Punk has already hinted in an interview that he's going to provide advance warning with his challenge this time around, and that will hopefully do wonders to make him not look like a pussy. In addition, Judgement Day is one month from now, in Chicago, his hometown. I think I see one half of next month's main event.

As for the other half? Punk could face Edge after Edge brings the belt to Smackdown, but that would mean yet ANOTHER title change. What if Cena retains instead, then returns to the Rosemont Horizon (the home of Wrestlemania 22, where he was viciously booed out of the building) to face the hometown hero next month? The title change would mean more, a clean Punk win over Cena would mean more, Punk bringing the belt to Smackdown as the conquering hero would mean more, the BIG MOMENT would mean more, and you'd instantly have a top-level face on Smackdown (remember, Jeff could leave) who can spend the summer feuding with, you guessed it, Edge. The only impediment to this would be common sense, a formidable opponent for the WWF recently. I still think they're smart enough not to fuck this up.

Winner: John Cena
My Pick: John Cena

WWF Championship
Triple H, Batista & Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase

Really? Anyone on Team Legacy pinning anyone on Team McMahon wins the title for Orton? Cody Rhodes pinning Shane-O-Mac wins the title for Orton? It's not like anyone cares about this feud, but it would be nice if they didn't drag the belt down with them.

Winner: Randy Orton, but indirectly, somehow
My Pick: Orton via decisive pinfall over HHH, then a merciful end to the Feud That No One Wants To See


For the past three pay per views, I've told you to shell out, and 2/3 of them at least were disappointing. This month, feel free to join the rest of the country in not paying for this show. I'll watch it illicitly tonight and try to get a review up, but please, don't pay for this. We're in a recession, and the point should be made that HHH v. Orton in any economy should not be drawing money.

Enjoy the show, or enjoy whatever else you choose to do with your money and your Sunday evening.

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