Monday, April 13, 2009

The Return of Sober RAW Monday: Draft Edition!

Live tonight from Atlanta, GA!Live tonight from Atlanta, GA!

Soooo, this is likely just going to be a decimation of the secondary rosters for the betterment of RAW, I'd say. We'll keep track of the roster shifts throughout the night.

8:07: Batista's out and he wants a piece of Orton for taking him out with a Concussion Punt for four months; oddly, Shane and HHH both want revenge as well. The Heat Machine on Wheels that is Vickie Guerrero gives them a 3-on-2 match against Priceless later, winner of the fall faces Orton one on one next week.

8:49: MVP's your first draft pick to Raw, and Big Show's the second after a very decent Mysterio/Bourne match.

8:51: Michelle McCool wins a draft pick for Smackdown and it's......Melina, apparently with the women's title. This and the MVP pick probably mean that Rey and whoever the Divas champ is are moving.

8:57: Champion vs. semi-champion, Cena vs. Swagger for TWO picks. Something tells me those won't go to ECW.

9:11: Long match, but Cena wins with the STFU and Raw gets.....Matt Hardy and Triple H, oh goody. Edge attacks Cena from behind while he gazes dreamily at the Game. At this point I almost want Raw to get every pick so that we can move yet one step closer to ending the brand split. I'll be thrilled, though, if they fix the world title situation by drafting Cena to Smackdown.

9:28: Okay, Smackdown's set to catch a break here, Santino vs. The Great Khali for a pick. Beht joins us to mention that if Santino loses, Santina gets to be a guest on the Khali Kiss Cam next week. Of course, Khali wins quickly, and Smackdown gets.....CM Punk, which makes sense

9:33: Miz and Morrison are up next, it took me a moment to remember that they're allegedly on Raw at the moment.

9:38: Never mind, theyre on ECW (????) and Miz is taking on Raw's Kofi Kingston for a pick. This has to be another for Raw, otherwise they wouldve put Morrison in there.

9:50: Nice, long ***ish match that Kofi wins by DQ due to Morrisonterference, got a feeling they get split here. Raw's pick is.....The Miz! And just like that, his career's over. They embrace....but Miz hits a Reality Check on Morrison, and why, why, why????? Two draft picks on the line in the battle royal, up next.

9:55: Each brand sends down 5 guys in branded tshirts; if I were the Raw guys Id watch out for Show, I think the last time this happened he was wearing an ECW shirt underneath. Why is Chavo on SD when he and Vickie are now on Raw?

10:00: Edge wins this for SD by letting Show and Mark Henry fight it out (not pretty)and then getting out of the way of a charging Show. Smackdown's two picks (which have to be their last two of the night, right?) are.....Kane, poor guy, and CHRIS JERICHO! I may not watch Raw anymore, jeez. Pleeease let him align with Edge for some sort of Canadian Violence faction. Three picks left.

10:16: Christian vs. Shelton, joined in progress by me. ECW has to get a pick here. Sure enough, Christian wins with the Unprettier, and ECW picks.....hahahaha, Vladimir Kozlov

10:18: Commercial break. Okay, so we know that they won't keep both titles on one brand, right? Orton cant really get drafted to SD anymore unless Edge goes to Raw; the three top heels all on one of the off-brands won't help anyone. Barring a CM Punk surprise at Backlash, does this mean that Orton and the WWF belt (when he wins in that ridiculous stip match) stay on Raw, with Cena and/or the WCW belt rightfully goin back to the B show (rightfully for the belt, not for Cena)? I'd really like to see these next two picks. Can't be a good sign for them that I'm far less interested in what theyre promoting as the main event for tonight, which doesnt seem to be for picks.

10:26: CM Punk (repping Smackdown now) vs. Matt Hardy, repping Raw.

10:32: Jeff attacks Matt and thereby wins the pick for Raw; why arent the GMs sending people in to do that for every match? Raw gets.....Maryse, the Divas champ! Called that one, if nothing else. One more left, then I'm likely peacing out before the main event.

10:38: Okay, it's the final draft pick match, and Jericho is out for Smackdown to fight Tommy Dreamer, so there's no way they lose this. They usually end on a big name - could it be Cena? Orton? It's probably just Rey...

10:45: Jericho wins the pick, and it's......yep, it's Rey Rey. That's it for me - I could give a shit about the main event - but I'll see you this Wednesday at Noon for live blog coverage of the, um, liveblog of the Supplemental Draft! Tonight's results are below.


Triple H (from SD)
The Big Show (from SD)
Matt Hardy (from SD)
MVP (from SD)
The Miz (from ECW)
Maryse (from Smackdown)


Chris Jericho (from Raw)
CM Punk (from Raw)
Rey Mysterio (from Raw)
Kane (from....ECW? Maybe Raw?)
Melina (from Raw)


Vladimir Kozlov (from Smackdown)

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