Monday, April 7, 2008

Sober RAW Monday, Knickerbocker Arena Edition

Live at 9 tonight from Albany, which is apparently the capital of the wrestling news-site world???

Here's what's on tap:
- #! Contender at Backlash announced at the beginning of the show! JBL/HHH three-way, says I (and a British TV ad, I think)
- Batista and HBK on the Highlight Reel
- Santino hopefully moves onto feuding with somebody who doesn't have a vagina
- The Age of Orton Continues!
- No Matches Announced!

Now, granted, anything emanating from Albany is generally overreported backstage, as anyone's arrival to the arena qualifies as news.....however, there could be a medium-grade to "major" name superstar returning tonight. Spoilers, if you must, are after the jump, and we stress that this is 90% rumour and conjecture, but the returning superstar MIGHT be.....

.....none other than an ancient Ken Shamrock, last seen deliriously giggling before Tito Ortiz destroyed him on national television.

Corporation REPRESENT!!!!

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