Monday, April 21, 2008

Drunk RAW Monday

8:00 - We're live from the Bi-Lo Center in Greenville, SC!

KOTR match is first up, and we do have confirmation that it's an eight-man tourney, so my night is made already....

First match! Chris Jericho vs. MVP

8:14 - This one's over quickly, as Jericho makes MVP tap to the Walls at 5 minutes, There has to be a better way to do that without jobbing out your US champ clean.

*, hopefully guys later on will end up getting some more time.

Jericho walks onto the throne as CM Punk is shown warming up in the back, JR wonders if he's also competing in the tournament. There's no way they give him MITB and the Crown, right? I do like the continued secrecy of the bracket, though.....

CM Punk vs. Matt Hardy

Face vs. Face! Sweet!

8:21 - This clocked in at about 4 minutes, CM Punk won by countering a GTS escape with a rollup pin. 1/2*, I suppose. They're not going for length yet, so I'm hoping that they do later on. Punk sits on the throne, and we have confirmation that Jericho vs. Punk will be a second-round matchup.

We have the eight main-eventers spoken for, so my guess is that in addition to the 3 MITB participants that we've seen so far (as well as the one guy who interfered in the match), the leading candidates for the remaining four spots have to be Carlito, Shelton, John Morrison, and of course, Kennedy, who's a mortal lock for this tournament.

8:32 - Well, JR just announced that the Backlash Fatal Four Way has been changed to an elimination match. Good news? I don't know, last year's fatal four way was pretty awesome due to the absence of that stipulation. JBL gives a rather intense promo.

NOOOOOOO, Khali's in the tournament, noooooooo. Opponent to be revealed after the break.

8:41 - Finlay vs. The Great Khali

Khali works Finlay's leg on the rngpost and gets counted out at the 2 minute mark, absolute dud but I don't care, at least he's out of the tournament. Big Show is out for a thrilling Staredown of Giants.

All faces that have advanced so far, now let's see who gets to face Kennedy.

William Regal vs. Hornswoggle

Oh, good lord. Regal wins in about 5 seconds, goes without saying that this is an absolute dud. What's that, you say? How's my night going so far?

(slowly realizing that this tournament may be a complete disappointment)
(drinking a great deal of vodka)
(slinking head downward)

8:53 - Michaels is out, promo with Batista

9:07 - Hardcore Holly vs. Carlito

Carlito/Santino are acknowledged as the #1 contenders but there's no match tonight, which is giving me misguided hope that there might be one at Backlash. God knows how long its been since those hideous belts have actually been defended on PPV.

Boy, does Carlito need new music or what? Shit repeats like 4 times while he's on his way out there. It's embarrassing.

Carlito wins at 5 minutes with a move that I'm trying to resist calling the "backscratcher" *, just standard TV stuff. Santino gets the mic afterwards, and Cody Rhodes shows a few signs of possessing actual charisma before dispatching of Marella.

Jericho-Punk is up next, and somehow, my hopes are once again irrationally high for both semifinal matches. I'm guessing Regal is winning this, but then again, earlier today I would've given Kennedy at least a 50% chance.

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