Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Capsule Review - WCW Great American Bash 1999

A lot of people love WCW from 1996-1997, when the nWo storyline crested, or even 1998 WCW, with the rise of Goldberg and that unforgettable night in the Georgia Dome where he finally beat Hogan for the title. These periods are all well & good, but WCW in 1999 is a completely different kind of entertainment.

1999 was the first sign that WCW had hit an iceberg; WCW made a profit of something like $80 million in 1998, but by 1999, Eric Bischoff began to lose his mind and was increasingly absent from the day-to-day operations. Kevin Nash was booking at this point, and by the end of the year, the company would post a loss of $15 million - nothing compared to the $60m loss to come in 2000, but an asnishing turnaround nonetheless. Shows like this shine a light on how, exactly, this ended up happening.

(Here's a copy of Scott Keith's rant on the show, for more sensible star ratings than can be provided here.)

WCW Great American Bash 1999

We begin with a white limo pulling up backstage, and lo and behold, it’s the No Limit Soldiers! In Camo! For the uninitiated, yes, that is Master P's rap posse, on a wrestling pay per view. I told you WCW was losing money.

Hennig greets Master P and claims that he’s “true to the game” and loves Master P's music more than anyone in the world. Hennig then crushes the CD that Master P gives him, prompting the No Limit Soldiers to start hooting at him angrily. They actually yell something that sounds like "HOOT" over and over again.

We then get a video package for the Savage-Nash main event, which consists of the following:

- Savage putting lipstick on Nash
- A mystery man attempting to fill Savage’s limo with cement via the sunroof
- Savage, wearing a hot pink fur coat, declaring “the party starts right now!” as he brings a bucketful of some sort of muddy goop with him, about which he declares “that’s FERMENTED, YEEEEAH!”
- Savage heading to the ring and as Nash declares “you want some of me? Put down the bucket”. Savage delivers the immortal line “YOU’RE a STOO-pid PER-SEEE-INNNN”. Only the Macho Man could turn “person” into a three-syllable word.
- A contortionist emerging from a duffel bag behind the Macho Man to dump the bucket of fermented shit/goop on HIS head rather than Nash’s. Hilarious!
- Nash getting in his limo with an escort of 3 ladies, who close the door and call him a "sucker" as Macho rolls down the partition window revealing himself to be the driver. Mach then asks “you like being a smartass? WANNA GO FOR A RIDE????” before driving ten feet, getting out and running, and then yelling “GET IM!” as a white jeep/hummer slams into the side of the limo. Later, they probably set some piles of money on fire.

And with that, welcome to the Great American Bash! We are LIVE from the Baltimore Arena in Baltimore, MD, with an announced crowd of 11,672! It's June 16, 1999, and Schiavone, Tenay, & Heenan are your hosts. Tony immediately and excitedly claims that MASTER P IS IN THE HOUSE! Heenan tells us that Savage may win the title if he feels like it, but then again, he’s wrestling Kevin Nash.

We now go to what Tony calls “a very special look at the Great American Bash”, which is just a video package running down the card. It includes the phrase “Hak vs. Brian Knobs - “those two wacky hardcore guys!” ".

The video package rundown is a nice addition for home video, but for the live show, anyone who's watching it already bought the PPV presumably. The show rundown goes RIGHT into the video package for the Hak vs. Knobs match, with no transition at all. One second they're talking about the main event and after that its back to hardcore highlights.

Knobs in the video, responding to Jimmy Hart's offer of membership in the First Family: “Brian Knobs is as NASTY AS HE WANTS TO BE, and I’m gonna have to think about it.”

Kendo Stick Match
Hardcore Hak (w/ Chastity) vs. Brian Knobs (w/ Jimmy Hart)

Knobs’ music seems to be a soundalike of both Metallica’s “Ain’t My Bitch” and “My Sharona”

Tenay refers to Knobs as having been “hardcore before hardcore was cool”. Good try, but you're competing against the things coming out of Heenan's mouth for "nonsensical statement of the night", so you're gonna have to up your game, Mikey.

Tony says that in honor of the red white and blue, people should “be a patriot and have a hardcore match”. THERE we go! That's some Heenan-level nonsense talk!

Knobs takes the mic and says that today is Mrs. Nasty’s birthday, so he’s promised to destroy Hak for her. Hak is the Sandman by the way, with a shitty name that's probably an inside joke at his expense. Knobs challenges him to see “who’s really hardcore” by “getting rid of these sissy kendo sticks and all these silly toys”. He wants to get rid of the Kendo Sticks. In a Kendo Stick Match. He prefers taped fists or something. Tony says that Hak is “breaming” (sic) with confidence.

Someone actually brought a “Hak” sign to the arena?

Jimmy Hart is clad in a fantastic, if outdated, airbrushed Faces of Fear jacket.

Hak surveys the audience to see if he should comply with the weapons ban, but Knobs pearl harbors him with a trash can. Tony: “It was a swerve! We’ve had the first swerve of the night!”

Sandman is just wearing a generic tshirt, Knobs’s is the Nasty Boys shirt but just says “NASTY” as there is no Sags here. There's an actual “lets go Hak” chant once this match gets going.

Kendo stick shot to the face gets Sandman the pin at 5 and a half minutes, but Hugh Morrus immediately jumps him along with Hart and Knobs. *, not a good match but the crowd seemed willing to participate.

Backstage, Piper is walking by and getting ready for the “return bout” vs. Flair. Buff thanks him for the match vs. Disco and then claims to have Piper's back tonight. Piper tells him to take the ball and “run like Emmitt Smith”, then says “kids. Love kids. Love 'em for breakfast…” as he walks off.

Mikey Whipwreck vs. Van Hammer

The announcers are jabbering on about a box of chocolates or something. Heenan claims that Whipwreck's shinguards are “kneepads to protect his (shoe)laces”. This match wasn’t even mentioned in the huge rundown of the show.

Tenay brings up the “who drove the Hummer?” conundrum, Nash apparently thinks it was Scott Hall. Nick Patrick is your ref, with some Magnum TA hair action going.

They claim that BILLY RIPKEN may be in attendance. Not Cal Ripken, but Cal Ripken's drunken brother.

Van Hammer sets up the ring steps near the railing, climbs them and drops Whipwreck on the rail. Strange spot.

Whipwreck hits a body splash off the turnbuckle that could best be described as a Headhumper

Van Hammer hits the Cobra Clutch slam thing for the pin at about 8 AND A HALF MINUTES, geez, that was long for what was essentially a squash. ½*

Buff Bagwell vs. Disco Inferno

The camera shows two blondes in the crowd so hot and well dressed that they must be plants, lo and behold Disco hugs one on the way in.

Tony: “as we go into the net millennium....Buff Bagwell is gonna lead WCW and pro wrestling”

Buff is the clear favorite as they both mug for the crowd, who start a “Disco Sucks” chant.

Lotta stalling in this, Tony fills time by giving a special hello to all of the recent high school grads watching the program!

The Macarena Piledriver - a piledriver in which the Macarena is performed- gets reversed. Tony uses the phrase “Man Alive!”. He may have put on some weight ans started calling himself Don West after WCW went under.

Buff Blockbuster wins it for Bagwell at just shy of ten minutes, felt like twenty and not in the good way. ¾*

Rey Mysterio Jr. & Konnan vs. Curt Hennig & Bobby Duncum Jr.

This gets a very, um, entertaining video package, featuring:

- Hennig asking what was up with that K-Dong and his rap music, since he cant stand that rap music
- Konnan taking offense and attacking Hennig
- Hennig allying with Bobby Duncum Jr. and vowing to sing country music
- Konnan and Rey - in mid 90s Astros jerseys - saying that “we can settle this on a ranch…” Hennig: “ill slap that smile right off your face”
- Rey and Konnan attacking during a country song wearing matching orange prison uniforms for some reason
- Ends with a shot of Hennig yelling “RAP IS A BUNCHA CRAP”

Theres a live DJ now? His name is DJ RAN; he dedicates something to the “PPV” and attempts to find the rowdiest section, as well as Orioles fans, which just draws boos. He’s wearing an O’s jersey, introduces Master P and the No Limit Soldiers and exhorts the crowd to put their hands up several times. The Soldiers take their seats as the DJ continues screaming stuff like “check it out….you know how we do….master P and the no limit soldiers…ringside!” then throws it to his man, David Penzer.

Two notable signs here as Hennig and Duncum come out to "Rap is Crap" - seven people holding up one letter each of “HENNIG!”, and then one reading “Konnan Fears Soap”. During the entrances, we get this exchange from the announcers:

Tony: “here they come as a team, feeling that their kind of music - that being country and western - is better than rap”
Tenay: “I think I would go for rap!”
Heenan: “I've always liked marching music….like Desi Arnaz and Babalu with the conga drums….think about that for a while”

Tony describes the faces as “two men who can, as DJ Ran would say, get all up in ya area”

We see a large black woman with a “l’il rey’s got the hookup $$” sign. A nearby sign reads “I HATE THIS SIGN”.

Konnan’s usual shpeil gets a mixed reaction, then Rey, who’s wearing some sort of cylinder on his head, takes the mic and says “Much love and respect to all my No Limit Soldiers, HOOOTY HOOOOOOOOO!!!”

Oh it’s a gas mask that hes wearing. Why? And why are both good guys wearing overalls?

Hennig comes out and makes monkey noises at Master P. Really. After Master P's interference, we hear from an excited Schiavone: "CURT HENNIG STARTED THIS, BRAIN! HE BROKE THE MAN’S CD AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PROGRAM!"

Hennig utilizes various incarnations of sitting on Mysterios head, then does the Rick Rude thing and points to the sky. The crowd is cool with all the casual racism, but somehow THIS draws boos.

This match has quite a few points where it looks like nobody really knows what to do. Windham is out to attack Konnan wearing street clothes and YELLOW WORK GLOVES, this draws out Swoll from the crowd, the biggest of the No Limit Soldiers and the one who was on WCW's payroll for a reported six figures. He headbutts Duncum and Rey pins him at about 10 and a half minutes, a brawl almost breaks out after the bell between the two factions and the crowd seems much more into that. No Limit Soldiers victoriously sprint to the back as the Rednecks continue attacking Rey and Konnan, which just seems off. Hennig and Rey in the same ring sounds cool but this wasn’t much. *½, and your Match of the Night to this point.

Announcers continue to talk up Swoll, who's played in the CFL and the NFL (Broncos) and is allegedly known in the bodybuilding world. Tony then weirdly throws us to video highlights of the previous match. There's general booing in the background, not sure if it's for a reason or just because this card blows.

Heenan claims that Savage is backstage thinking to himself that " “within the hour - within the TWO hours” I can become heavyweight champion” (sic'd all over)

Scott Norton vs. Ernest “The Cat” Miller (w/ Sonny Onoo)

Norton is indeed your face, out to nWo Hollywood music, oh but wait, its Horace Hogan!?! He’s displeased about being hit upside the head with a crowbar. He says he’s sure there's nothing the crowd would like more than to see him kick the crap out of the Kat. The crowd is not so sure about that. Horace says “you couldn’t even beat your own self up if you know what I mean” and charges, and we somehow get a match that’s WORSE than advertised.

Horace Hogan vs. Ernest “The Cat” Miller (w/ Sonny Onoo)

Wow, this sucks. The primary highlight is a kid at ringside in a tye-dyed nWo shirt petting Horace like a dog. Tony says “still, and we cant explain it to you, fans, no Scott Norton”.

The Cat wins at about 5 and a half super long minutes with a kick using a ruby slipper that Sonny Onoo slips on him. Really. Such a waste of my life to watch this. ZERO stars, it's tough to get worse than this....

Ric Flair (w/ Asya & Arn Anderson) vs. Roddy Piper

But they'll try!

This is for the WCW Presidency; Piper I think is supposed to be the face but the crowd seems to prefer Flair, as we're in HAWSMEN COUNTRY dagnabbit.

Video package: Piper promises ten reasons why Flair shouldn’t even run a gas station, brings up his personal finances, Flair attacks, Piper vows to bring two partners to something and says “I’m gonna call them ‘phantom’ and ‘menace’”. Is that a Star Wars reference?? Aha, it's Benoit and Malenko! Malenko claims Flair walked away from the Horsemen, Flair says without him there are no Horsemen. I thought the Horsemen were done after Fall Brawl 97, I guess not?

Arn tries to patch up the dispute but to no avail, as “it comes to this” as Tony says, "this" being a match that doesn't involve the Horsemen at all. Flair is the incumbent Prez here.

Asya is clearly their copycat Chyna, which I was surprised to see actually predates Russo. The announcers are questioning Flair’s mental state for unclear reasons. Tenay claims that this is “the most important match that Flair has been involved in as far as OUR future”. Sure.

Sign: “HI! DAD” (sic?) has to be the Sign Of The Night.

Piper is introduced as “WCW’s Troubleshooting Commissioner”. They have a Commissioner and a President? Why not a Director of Authority as well?

Sign: "Piper for President”, but with a Four Horsemen hand signal drawn on instead of a 4. I am confused. Tenay notes the “stipulation” - “if Piper wins, Buff Bagwell has a chance to prove himself”. Those are high stakes, right there

Potential Sign of the Night competition here, as we now have one reading "BRING BACK MR. BOB BACKLUND”, who to my knowledge was not in WCW.

Piper throws some really bad jabs, and we get some really unnecessary Ric Flair ass shots. This is the kind of match where if you were watching with other people in the room, they would laugh at you because of how fake it looks. Flair nails Piper with brass knuckles, then just decides to sit down instead of covering him.

Eventually, down comes Buff to clock the interfering Arn Anderson, then Buff attacks Flair and gives him the win by DQ at 8 minutes. ½*, oh hell, make it ¼* since NOTHING made sense. Huge letdown here given the names involved. Piper nails Bagwell and they fight each other? Now Arn spinebusters Bagwell for a big pop. Flair and Anderson hold Bagwell as Piper lashes him. What the holy hell was the idea behind this? The whole match was some sort of trap for Bagwell???

DJ Ran gets the crowd to say Hell Yeah for nash, which prompts Tony to ask “how come he can cuss and we can't?”

WCW TV Title
No DQ, Falls Count Anywhere
Sting vs. Rick Steiner ©

Ah, the failed late-90s Rick Steiner singles push, a sad moment in history for everyone who loves to attend wrestling events and bark at the air.

The video package involves Sting and Steiner fighting near some sort of tractor/monster truck and then with athletic tape in a cage. Apparently the genesis of this feud was Steiner’s exhortation of “you want some, come get some”. I should note that Schiavone introduced the video package by saying “this match has a very special stipulation that we’d like to tell you about, take a look!” and it made no mention of said stipulation.

Wait, this is a non title match? Tony: “you see him holding up that belt, he is not going to be defending that belt here tonight, this is very much of a grudge match, although that was not labeled on this match….we go back to David penzer once again!” (sic) (what?)

Tony attributes the fighting outside the ring to the “new attitude” of the “more dangerous than ever“ Steiner, “he would never do something like this months ago…..he enjoys in ring confrontation” sure its that, not the FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE STIPULATION

About 9 minutes of this was perfectly acceptable, maybe even would’ve broken the elusive ** barrier that’s eluded this show so far. And then……


They brawl to the back (look for the insane lady in the crowd who really swats at Steiner), to the table with Mark Madden and Chris Jericho (one of his last PPV appearances for WCW?) and then backstage, where Tank Abbott chokes Sting with some rope or something and then Scott Steiner sics two Dobermans on Sting. Really. He has dogs attack Sting. Then a rottweiler! Security sprints over as they take the cameras off of Sting, they say. At 11 and a half minutes the ref rings the bell, both Steiners are in the ring. Scotty says “my understanding of this match was falls count anywhere”, somehow this results in Rick being declared the winner??

Scott’s ultimately persuasive argument for his brother's victory was to look at the ref and say “1,2,3.....hnah?” What the hell? I dunno, lets say ¾* for that, can't really go any higher because of how little sense the finish makes. It's a shocker that Rick’s “if you don’t like me, bite me” catchphrase never got over, HNAH?

The postmatch promo sees Scott declare “WCW SUCKS!” I wholeheartedly agree at this point.

Rick: "Who's the shittiest town in America? Baltimore!"

WCW Tag Team Championship
Chris Benoit & Saturn © vs. DDP & Kanyon (w/ Bam Bam Bigelow)

The build for this is a TOTALLY natural segment where Bam Bam is sitting on something and halfheartedly says “you also told me to get a partner, well GUESS WHAT” and DDP, on cue, hits both champs ever so slightly with a 2x4. They claim this is a live attack??? This segues right to a video package, nonsensical by any reasonable standard but tonight's.

The video package shows:

- DDP and Bigelow dumping Raven into a dumpster
- DDP and Bigelow then winning the tag belts
- Flair, in front of an AWESOME melding of the WCW logo and the Presidential seal that has to be seen to be believed, teaming up with Benoit for a shot at the belts, turning on him, Saturn coming in as the replacement, winning the belts, then Kanyon attacks Saturn as the Triad is formed

Tony: “fans I do wanna give you an update, we do wanna assure you that Sting was pulled away from those dogs”. For some reason the announcers are trying to stick Bigelow with the nickname “Triple B”.

This would probably have been better if it were a lot shorter. Malenko eventually comes out to revive Saturn, distracts the ref, then DDP and good old Triple B hit a combination Greetings From Asbury Park & Diamond Cutter (or as Tony calls it, a “double diamond cutter”) on Benoit, then roll Kanyon on top for the pin and belts at 18:30. **½, and only that high because Benoit and Kanyon were both awesome here. Match of the night, by a wide stretch.

And now, your Main Event!

WCW Championship
Kevin Nash © vs. Macho Man Randy Savage (w/ Gorgeous George, Madusa & Miss Madness 99)

Video package:

Macho Man demands a title shot vs. Nash from Piper and a grey-haired Bischoff, gets it apparently, then just puts lipstick on Nash instead of winning the title. Macho then declares, on Nitro I guess, that “June the Thirteenth CAN BE TONIGHT, come on out Big Sexy!” and a Nash impersonator comes out in a dress and Wolfpac shirt - and, um, the title belt? We then see some women hitting each other as Savage vows to “push him back in the closet where he needs to stay”.

Nash then dumps raw sewage into Macho’s limo while hes in there with the girls, then we see the rest of what we saw before, including a second replay of YOURE a STOOpid PERR-SEEE-INNNN, all the way through the Hummer crash.

Buffer does intros, calling Nash and Savage the greatest big man and most dangerous man in wrestling, respectively. The revamped Macho Man is out to a heavy metal song that starts with a girl cooing “what up, Mach?” and him responding with OOOOOH YEAAAAH. Buffer's awkward intro: “It's Madness time! It's Macho time! Its Macho Man Randyyyyyyy Savage!”

Nash comes out to the Wolfpac theme and some very sad pyro, those aren't even sparklers. A sign says the following: “ “Nash” lets do it “wolfpac” style”. Why are there quotes around "Nash"? Buffer claims Nash has fractured ribs and a bad knee and is known for his “ignore-the-pain courage”. Also, I'm sure, for his "no-show-the-PPV resolve".

Nash has asked for the ban on Savage’s top-rope elbow drop to be overturned? Why was that banned? A nice quote from Tony that summarizes the nonsense: “Sewage was involved, the lady in the duffel bag…..the use of the lipstick, the horrible crash of the limousine….”

Savage looks quite washed up here. Nash kicks out of a bad elbow drop, powerbombs Savage, the ladies attack Nash but the ref doesn’t seem to care at all, SID then comes down and hits Nash in the face with a big boot to make his WCW return and give Nash the win by DQ at almost 7 and a half minutes. Match was nothing, just a lot of kicking and punching. ½*

The announcers then speculate that it was Sid behind the wheel, Tenay notes that this makes sense and Tony adds “it seems to, but sometimes you can throw logic out the window.” Okay then! Sid helps Macho Man out as Buffer announces that the prone Nash is the winner and STILL champion. We close with a shot of Nash’s face and then a Bash at the Beach ad with people outside during the summer, until a storm cloud (the WCW logo) darkens the horizon and forces them to watch some crazy shit that makes no sense. That's where we'll pick up next time!

Overall: This is just a fascinating period in WCW for me. It's very, very clear in retrospect that they're in trouble; from firsthand experience, I can assure you that the WWF had clearly won the war at this point. Austin had just beaten The Rock at Wrestlemania, and every wrestling fan I knew was completely into that and had ceased paying attention to WCW altogether.

Watching this show now, the key difference between it and 2000 WCW is that the infrastructure of a thriving company was all there. The buildings are all still standing, everyone is still going through the motions, oblivious to the way that this is guaranteed to end. Everyone at a high level here is cashing a paycheck & pretending that everything's okay. As an exercise in mass delusion & indifference, and for the mind-blowing financial inefficiencies that would sink ANY company, this show is fascinating to watch.

As a wrestling show, not so much. Due to the existence of Heroes of Wrestling, this show lost out on Worst PPV of the Year honors in 1999. It's close, though, and still holds up as one of the worst shows of all time. In a strange twist, Hollywood Video bought up pretty much every copy of this that was ever put out; it's insanely bad enough to merit buying for $1 on clearance at your local Hollywood Video, provided that your local Hollywood Video has not yet gone the way of WCW.

TCR Rating: 1
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Sunday, August 15, 2010

SUMMERSLAM Late Preview!

I may take off for months at a time, but I WILL NEVER skip a Big Four PPV preview. Probably.
The show's already under way, of course, but I'm sequestering myself from society completely until watching the replay later tonight. My picks, in projected match order:

WWF Intercontinental Championship
Kofi Kingston v. Dolph Ziggler

The IC title is to Dolph what the ROH world title is to Tyler Black. It's nice that they both finally got the strap, but both companies waited too long to pull the trigger, and now the belt means much less than it otherwise might. I've seen these two fight a lot, so it seems like there won't be any real surprises here.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler
My Pick: Dolph, just for confidently using the Sleeperhold as a finisher in 2010.

WCW Championship
Rey Mysterio vs. Kane

This angle unfolded almost exactly like anyone would've predicted a few months ago when Kane vowed vengeance on the mystery attacker. Still, it's been a while since the last Taker-Kane feud, and a whole new group of kids who are into the product haven't seen it. I'm on board.

Winner: Kane, but with a special Undertaker appearance at some point.
My Pick: Rey Rey, just to see if they can somehow give him a worse title reign than his previous two.

Why Is This Here Handicap Match
The Big Show vs. The Straight Edge Society

Seriously, why is this here? CM Punk should be main-eventing, not needing the help of two minions to maybe beat the Big Show.

Winner: SES, because the WWF can't be THAT dumb.
My Pick: SES, because two competent non-jobber wrestlers should never lose a handicap match to one guy. And there are THREE of them here!

WWF Championship
Randy Orton vs. Sheamus

Count me among those interested in this match solely because of their promo on the go-home show. Hopefully they can top their lackluster Rumble match.

Winner: Sheamus
My Pick: Randall Q. Orton

WWF Divas Championship
Melina vs. Alicia Fox

Filler, crowd coolant, and it's not a real belt anyway.

Winner: Alicia, because the office apparently loves her.
My Pick: Alicia, because of her very kind and considerate relative lack of shrill screaming.

Team WWF vs. The Nexus
Now THIS is a main event to get excited for. Rumblings around the WWF seem to indicate that something big is planned here, whether it be a shocking heel turn or a shocking return. I have no idea what to expect. I can't wait.

Winner: Nexus, but with Daniel Bryan as your 7th man
My Pick: I'll be marking out for the WWF team, even though the Nexus should probably go over here. If this is the night they finally turn Cena heel, it will surely be something to behold.

Overall: Haven't been this amped to watch a WWF show since Wrestlemania, and it's all because of the main event. Really, I don't care about anything else. It's too late to advise anyone else to buy or skip this, but I just bought the replay and will now be sitting down to enjoy it. Happy summer, folks.
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Saturday, March 27, 2010



Sorry, but I've gotta make this quick, heading out to the bar for it in just a few minutes. One note, though: for the past two Wrestlemanias, this site has voccally noted that the build has been underwhelming. Not so this year. I cant remember looking forward to a Wrestlemania this much since AT LEAST 2004.

Maybe it's because of Taker-Shawn, maybe because we finally have Cena and Batista facing off for the title after five years of it being bandied about. Whatever the reason, this feels like a big, huge, era-defining Wrestlemania on the heels of last year's totally-forgettable-aside-from-one-match card. Perhaps disappointment is inevitable, since my expectations for this are somewhere close to "right behind WMX7 as the greatest show of all time". I'm still beyond pumped, though. I cannot wait another hour and a half for this to start. A review, I promise, will be forthcoming. On to the picks, with a very rough guess at the match order:

WWF Tag Team Championship
The Miz & The Big Show vs. John Morrison & R-Truth
Probably a short opener, and no way they take the belts off of ShowMiz so soon.

Winner: ShowMiz
My Pick: ShowMiz

Money In The Bank Ladder Match

I doubt having ten people is going to help the match quality or anything, but this could be the finale for MITB matches at Wrestlemania. Given that, my money's on the winner cashing it in tonight.

Winner: Drew McIntyre
My Pick: Christian, and a much-needed Christian heel turn maybe?

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk
Everybody's sleeper match of the night. I just hope they get more than 5 minutes like Hardy-Rey at WM19 got.

Winner: Rey Mysterio
My Pick: CM Punk

No Holds Barred Match
Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon
Here's your sleeper pick to headline the show, although I think they'll have enough sense not to do that. I really hope the Hitman holds it together and gets his happy ending out of this.

Winner: Bret Hart
My Pick: Bret Hart

Triple Threat Match
Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase

As a commenter on DVDVR recently put it, Orton vs. "Team Milquetoast" is going to be the first bathroom break of the show. They really messed this one up.

Winner: Randy Orton
My Pick: Ted DiBiase

WCW Championship
Edge vs. Chris Jericho

Yeah, the forced "Spear" chants are sort of retarded, but the match quality here should make up for the shortcomings of the feud itself.

Winner: Edge
My Pick: Edge

Triple H vs. Sheamus

I'm guessing this ends up higher on the card than most people assume. Could easily be good, more likely its about ** just like HHH-Orton last year.

Winner: Triple H
My Pick: Sheamus

Career vs. Streak
Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker

This is the big one, for sure. Much like the Warrior-Savage career match at WM7, I'd like to see this go on before the title match at the end. A segment of the crowd may be let down either way, although for in-ring performance, ain't nobody topping this.

Since they're going PG now, I'd also like to note how well they've played up the Career Match over the past few years. Jaded smarks will surely never buy the stip, but if you're a kid who watches WWF, the two career matches you can most easily remember - Michaels vs. Flair and Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk - actually meant "the end" in WWF for the loser. Even if Michaels ends up coming back just like Randy Savage did, this is still going to feel like the most epic match those kids have ever seen.

I can't wait for this any longer. This is the most perfectly built match in years.

Winner: The Undertaker
My Pick: For the first time in my adult life, I will be rooting for one Shawn Michaels.

10-Diva Tag Team Match
Total bathroom break, but I hope Santino is somehow involved.

WWF Championship
John Cena vs. Batista

Taker-Shawn is the real main event, sure, but when you have a WWF title match with the two biggest stars of the era, you've got to put it on last. At least I think you do. No real complaints if they don't, though.

Winner: John Cena
My Pick: John Cena

Overall: Jesus Christ, buy this show. Pay them extra, even. Do whatever you have to do to be in front of your television watching HBK-Taker II tonight.

Godspeed all, and may you enjoy what could easily end up being the best show of the decade.
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

No Way Out of......St. Louis!

Ahhh, it's my favorite annual B-show! And like the WWF in Germany, I refuse to call this by that other name.

Soooo.....since I FINALLY got a big pick right with Edge last month, it's time for me to deface any credibility I may have built up with my picks for this one. First, a brief note directed at the WWF higher-ups:


(note over)

Seriously, I do not care for the new additions to the PPV schedule, and they best leave my remaining Big Three (well, Big Four if you count this one) out of their little marketing equation. We're fine for now, though, and it's time for No Way Out, a guilty pleasure of mine every year that's the last PPV stop before a newly-MITBless Wrestlemania. On to the picks, in projected match order:

WWF Championship Elimination Chamber Match

So here's my operating theory: remember last year when everyone and their mother (including this site and likely, my mother, for that matter) had the Chamber matches figured out, with Cena retaining and such....until they pulled that whole Edge deal and had him lose, attack Kofi, & then win??? Well, this year EVERYONE has the second match picked cold for Jericho, and most people have Sheamus or Trips going over here. My not-so-bold prediction: One of those results will not occur. I have no idea which one, though.

Also, I know it's the second match that Michaels is supposed to maybe be a part of....but please, can somebody take out Kofi and steal his spot??? Nothing against the guy, but that would be a great running gimmick every year.

Winner: Triple H, because he always wins these things and he's always in the Mania title match and let's just move on.
My Pick: Cena, if theyre doing Cena-Batista at Mania and not the tag match.

WWF Intercontinental Championship
Drew McIntyre vs. Kane

Cool to see the IC title on PPV, and cool to see McIntyre's awesome new theme music on a big show. He's winning here.

Winner: Drew McIntyre
My Pick: Drew McIntyre

WWF Women's Championship, Butterfly Edition
Maryse vs. Gail Kim

No, I don't care who wins, but if they really don't have anything else planned and things are going poorly, they might ask these two to go 20 minutes or something. Then things will REALLY go poorly.

Winner: Maryse
My Pick: Gail, why not?

The Unknowable Void

They have four matches scheduled for this show. Sure, two of them are Chamber matches that are gonna go long, but still: FOUR MATCHES. Something else is gonna happen - like Big Show returning and confronting Mayweather in 2008, or Batista returning in 2006. There will be a Shenanigans segment, or at a minimum a ShowMiz match

Winner (what will actually occur): Miz vs. MVP
My Pick: Linda McMahon shows up and challenges Chris Dodd to a match at Mania.

WCW Championship Elimination Chamber Match

So here's my Bold Prediction:

Everyone, literally EVERY preview I've seen, has Jericho winning the strap with Michaels interfering here. It's certainly the most likely outcome, but they like to surprise folks, so my pick:

Winner: Shawn Michaels, with the Taker rematch being for the strap and Edge challenging Trips and Jericho in a 3-way for the other belt.
My Pick: John Morrison and his faux-gimpy ankle, leading to an Edge-Jericho threeway match that will only happen in my dreams. No homo.

Overall: Of course you want to get this, it's the last show before Mania! Usually the finest B-show of the year, in terms of match quality (with the Chambers) and surprises. Buy this show! Or stream it! Do something!

Enjoy, folks.

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Sunday, January 31, 2010

The 2010 Royal Rumble Countdown!

It's my favorite show of the year! Hoo daddy!

Right to the picks, folks, because I've only got 45 minutes before this starts:

ECW Championship
Christian vs. Ezekiel Jackson

I really, truly couldn't care less. Isn't ECW about to fold anyway? At least it'll be interesting to see what Big Zeke's got.

Winner: Christian
My Pick: Pass

WWF Women's Championship
Michelle McCool vs. Mickie James

This is the real women's title with all the lineage and everything, not the pink thing. I've seen little of it, but apparently this feud is based around Mickie being fat, McCool making fun of her for it and the crowd being all sympathetic. The only problem? Mickie actually isn't fat at all. I really don't know what their problem is, she's incredibly hot and I certainly hope she prevails here. Don't see it happening though, because the people in the back surely want to send a message that you just can't be a WWE Diva without a concurrent eating disorder.

Winner: Michelle McCool
My Pick: Mickie James

WWF Championship
Sheamus vs. Randy Orton

Heel vs. Heel! Ballsy! I fully expect Atlanta to turn Orton face for the night, and I really don't know who wins here.

Winner: Sheamus, because of that rumored HHH feud at Mania. If it's Orton, though, DiBiase's Rumble odds improve exponentially.
My Pick: Sheamus, and for the poor pale fella to get a bit more face time on Raw with the belt.

WCW Championship
The Undertaker vs. Rey Mysterio

Batistaference may be a given here, but Michaels could always get involved too. Enough alarm bells are sounding that it's probably time for an urgent....there's a chance that, given the storylines and the Undertaker's involvement, they could ruin the show by having this go on last, after the Rumble, a la 2006.

If they do, expect magic, explosions, fog and shittiness.

Winner: The Undertaker
My Pick: The Undertaker

The Royal Rumble Match
Everyone seems to be saying every year that this year, for a change, they just don't have any idea who's going to win the Royal Rumble! I'll be honest - as you can see with a quick dig through the archives, I haven't had a clue who would win the Rumble for a long time. I figured it would be Cena or Batista in 2005; every year since then, while my sentimental picks have sometimes won, my actual picks have not. I think I like this.

Nevertheless, I give you the debut of the ROYAL RUMBLE COUNTDOWN! Your most likely 30 Rumble participants (only 25 currently announced), ranked in reverse likelihood of victory. Here we go:

The Bushwhacker Luke Division
(lucky if they remain in the match for 15 seconds without getting humiliated)

30. Santino Marella (unannounced)

Ah, Santino. We here at HFR love you, but after claiming the Warlord's record last year and getting booted in one second, this is probably not going to be your night.

29. Zack Ryder
28. Carlito
27. Yoshi Tatsu
26. Evan Bourne

The Dory Funk Jr. Division

(surprise entrants who aren't very good surprises)

25. Chavo Guerrero (unannounced)

The Akeem Division

(for giant clods with no chance of winning)

24. Chris Masters
23. Mark Henry
22. The Great Khali
21. Kane

The Jerry Sags Divison of Deadwood

(yeah, they're not winning either)

20. R-Truth
19. William Regal
18. Shelton Benjamin
17. Matt Hardy
16. Cody Rhodes

The Diesel Push Division

(not even named after Diesel, but his Push)

15. Jack Swagger

It's gotta be Schwagga, right? They've been pushing this little angle for three weeks now. Also a candidate for the next division with Santino, though.

The Randy Savage/Jake Roberts Division

(pairs of guys who are currently feuding and will probably take each other out)

14. MVP
13. The Miz

Meltzer mentioned last week that the Miz is on such a role that he should really be winning the Rumble. I might not go that far, but he really has been awesome for the past few months. I even like his new music. The promo he gave on the Tyson RAW was the best I've ever seen from him.

12. Drew McIntyre (unannounced)
11. John Morrison (unannounced)

Morrison should probably just start carrying the MITB briefcase around now. I'd love to see him get a surprise win here, but it ain't happening. If they're not in it, alternate surprises could always include Goldust, Mike Knox, Hornswoggle, Finlay, a returning Booker T, a returning-for-one-night RVD, or some other guy who we'll get to later.

The Dark Horse

10. Ted DiBiase

A Legacy split into a title feud has allegedly been talked about for a while now. He's a bit bland still, but winning here would put him over huge.

The Contenders

9. Kofi Kingston
8. The Big Show
7. CM Punk
6. Chris Jericho
5. Batista

We're officially at the point where any of these guys could win and not cause me to spit out my drink. In particular, Punk or Jericho winning would be awesome, but there's a long tradition of heels rarely pulling this off.

The Favorites

4. John Cena
3. Shawn Michaels
2. Triple H

If we don't get a surprise, I think we get the Hs going over here. They may never be over enough to merit winning themselves a Rumble again. Also, Sheamus-HHH is their alleged Mania match, and HHH loves to steal the main event. Not "steal the show", to be clear - to steal the actual spot from somebody else. Either of these three could win, it would make total sense and it wouldn't surprise me in the least. They're usually good about this, though - they tease a HHH win, and we get something else. Like Mysterio four years ago. Like Orton last year. Like....

The 2010 Royal Rumble Winner

1. Edge (unannounced)

The current poster for the Royal Rumble DVD on the Blockbuster website?
Hmm, that guy looks familiar.

My Canadian Hero is also my sentimental pick for the Rumble this year. Good tidings to all of you, enjoy my favorite wrestling night of the year, and ORDER. THIS. SHOW.
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