Sunday, August 15, 2010

SUMMERSLAM Late Preview!

I may take off for months at a time, but I WILL NEVER skip a Big Four PPV preview. Probably.
The show's already under way, of course, but I'm sequestering myself from society completely until watching the replay later tonight. My picks, in projected match order:

WWF Intercontinental Championship
Kofi Kingston v. Dolph Ziggler

The IC title is to Dolph what the ROH world title is to Tyler Black. It's nice that they both finally got the strap, but both companies waited too long to pull the trigger, and now the belt means much less than it otherwise might. I've seen these two fight a lot, so it seems like there won't be any real surprises here.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler
My Pick: Dolph, just for confidently using the Sleeperhold as a finisher in 2010.

WCW Championship
Rey Mysterio vs. Kane

This angle unfolded almost exactly like anyone would've predicted a few months ago when Kane vowed vengeance on the mystery attacker. Still, it's been a while since the last Taker-Kane feud, and a whole new group of kids who are into the product haven't seen it. I'm on board.

Winner: Kane, but with a special Undertaker appearance at some point.
My Pick: Rey Rey, just to see if they can somehow give him a worse title reign than his previous two.

Why Is This Here Handicap Match
The Big Show vs. The Straight Edge Society

Seriously, why is this here? CM Punk should be main-eventing, not needing the help of two minions to maybe beat the Big Show.

Winner: SES, because the WWF can't be THAT dumb.
My Pick: SES, because two competent non-jobber wrestlers should never lose a handicap match to one guy. And there are THREE of them here!

WWF Championship
Randy Orton vs. Sheamus

Count me among those interested in this match solely because of their promo on the go-home show. Hopefully they can top their lackluster Rumble match.

Winner: Sheamus
My Pick: Randall Q. Orton

WWF Divas Championship
Melina vs. Alicia Fox

Filler, crowd coolant, and it's not a real belt anyway.

Winner: Alicia, because the office apparently loves her.
My Pick: Alicia, because of her very kind and considerate relative lack of shrill screaming.

Team WWF vs. The Nexus
Now THIS is a main event to get excited for. Rumblings around the WWF seem to indicate that something big is planned here, whether it be a shocking heel turn or a shocking return. I have no idea what to expect. I can't wait.

Winner: Nexus, but with Daniel Bryan as your 7th man
My Pick: I'll be marking out for the WWF team, even though the Nexus should probably go over here. If this is the night they finally turn Cena heel, it will surely be something to behold.

Overall: Haven't been this amped to watch a WWF show since Wrestlemania, and it's all because of the main event. Really, I don't care about anything else. It's too late to advise anyone else to buy or skip this, but I just bought the replay and will now be sitting down to enjoy it. Happy summer, folks.

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