Sunday, February 21, 2010

No Way Out of......St. Louis!

Ahhh, it's my favorite annual B-show! And like the WWF in Germany, I refuse to call this by that other name.

Soooo.....since I FINALLY got a big pick right with Edge last month, it's time for me to deface any credibility I may have built up with my picks for this one. First, a brief note directed at the WWF higher-ups:


(note over)

Seriously, I do not care for the new additions to the PPV schedule, and they best leave my remaining Big Three (well, Big Four if you count this one) out of their little marketing equation. We're fine for now, though, and it's time for No Way Out, a guilty pleasure of mine every year that's the last PPV stop before a newly-MITBless Wrestlemania. On to the picks, in projected match order:

WWF Championship Elimination Chamber Match

So here's my operating theory: remember last year when everyone and their mother (including this site and likely, my mother, for that matter) had the Chamber matches figured out, with Cena retaining and such....until they pulled that whole Edge deal and had him lose, attack Kofi, & then win??? Well, this year EVERYONE has the second match picked cold for Jericho, and most people have Sheamus or Trips going over here. My not-so-bold prediction: One of those results will not occur. I have no idea which one, though.

Also, I know it's the second match that Michaels is supposed to maybe be a part of....but please, can somebody take out Kofi and steal his spot??? Nothing against the guy, but that would be a great running gimmick every year.

Winner: Triple H, because he always wins these things and he's always in the Mania title match and let's just move on.
My Pick: Cena, if theyre doing Cena-Batista at Mania and not the tag match.

WWF Intercontinental Championship
Drew McIntyre vs. Kane

Cool to see the IC title on PPV, and cool to see McIntyre's awesome new theme music on a big show. He's winning here.

Winner: Drew McIntyre
My Pick: Drew McIntyre

WWF Women's Championship, Butterfly Edition
Maryse vs. Gail Kim

No, I don't care who wins, but if they really don't have anything else planned and things are going poorly, they might ask these two to go 20 minutes or something. Then things will REALLY go poorly.

Winner: Maryse
My Pick: Gail, why not?

The Unknowable Void

They have four matches scheduled for this show. Sure, two of them are Chamber matches that are gonna go long, but still: FOUR MATCHES. Something else is gonna happen - like Big Show returning and confronting Mayweather in 2008, or Batista returning in 2006. There will be a Shenanigans segment, or at a minimum a ShowMiz match

Winner (what will actually occur): Miz vs. MVP
My Pick: Linda McMahon shows up and challenges Chris Dodd to a match at Mania.

WCW Championship Elimination Chamber Match

So here's my Bold Prediction:

Everyone, literally EVERY preview I've seen, has Jericho winning the strap with Michaels interfering here. It's certainly the most likely outcome, but they like to surprise folks, so my pick:

Winner: Shawn Michaels, with the Taker rematch being for the strap and Edge challenging Trips and Jericho in a 3-way for the other belt.
My Pick: John Morrison and his faux-gimpy ankle, leading to an Edge-Jericho threeway match that will only happen in my dreams. No homo.

Overall: Of course you want to get this, it's the last show before Mania! Usually the finest B-show of the year, in terms of match quality (with the Chambers) and surprises. Buy this show! Or stream it! Do something!

Enjoy, folks.

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