Sunday, November 15, 2009

TNA, yes, TNA Turning Point Preview

Very possibly the only time that I'll urge you to spend your money on this.

Way back in 1994, WCW had been in a funk for a few years running; more specifically, they'd spent the previous year doing this. However, when news broke of Hulk Hogan's imminent arrival, the good folks at WCW came together and delivered a run of excellent shows to rival even their 1989 peak period. This came to an end when Hogan eventually got there, but those few glorious months made for some great television.

Fast forward to 2009; Hogan, nearly 60, will be arriving in TNA in January with full control of the company, according to him. I was at first excited about this news, because initial reports implied the displacement of Vince Russo, the day-to-day involvement of Eric Bischoff and a Monday night timeslot, which could easily get things rolling again in a universe that's been devoid of big-fed competition for a decade. Since then, Hogan has announced that his Big Plans to resuscitate TNA include the pursuit of Steve Austin, Randy Savage, and "Nasty Boy" Brian Knobbs. Seriously, that's his plan. In the year 2009 (2010 once he takes over).

I could be dead wrong, but I don't see this ending well for TNA. Fortunately, we still have a month and a half left of actual TNA! If tonight's card is any sign, they're doing all they can to pull an early-1994 WCW and prove to posterity that TNA was, indeed, worthwhile before Hogan laid waste to it. Tonight, you get a rematch of the best match in TNA history, and a top-to-bottom excellent card with only one likely stinker.

Onto the show:

Six Man Tag
Matt Morgan, Hernandez & "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero vs. Rhino & Team 3D
Well, I like all three babyfaces, and Team 3D are a bunch of useless hasbeens, soooo......

Winner: Team Morgan
My Pick: The Same

Steel Cage Match

Tara vs. Awesome Kong
Very much looking forward to this one. I like both girls and hopefully the cage actually wards off Russorific booking. Don't bet on it though.

Winner: Tara
My Pick: Awesome Kong

TNA Knockouts Tag Match: All Titles On The Line
ODB, Taylor Wilde & Sarita vs. The Beautiful People
And here's your likely craptastic match. Yes, both the women's title and the pointless women's tag titles are on the line. Welcome to WCW 2000.

Winner: The ODB team
My Pick: Eh. Next match.
TNA X Division Championship Amazing Red vs. Homicide
Don't lnow what the issue here is, but the match itself should be fine.

Winner: Amazing Red?
My Pick: Fine with either as long as they get some time. TNA Tag Team Championship The British Invasion vs. Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money
Oh goodness, I want to see this. Nigel was allegedly supposed to be in the Invasion the first time they tried to get him. I think he's better off on his own.

Winner: The Brits
My Pick: Either of the other two teams, both of whom I greatly enjoy watching.

Bobby Lashley vs. Scott Steine
Scotty looked great at BFG last month, and I remain a Steiner mark through and through. Besides, Lashley might be leaving for MMA anyway.

Winner: Lashley

Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe

Wolfe, of course, is Nigel McGuinness, the awesome former champion of ROH and the new poster boy for why indy guys should go to TNA rather than the WWF. McGuinness debuted a month ago with a sudden attack on Angle, and boom, now he's in the semi-main event, and instantly credible. What does this prove? Two things: that Angle (who dragged a **** match out of Matt Morgan last month) rules the world, and that the WWF development system is a mess. Yes, it's good to have guys work their way up the ladder, but wrestlers at McGuinness' level shouldn't have to go through the "year in FCW/year on ECW/MAYBE a US title reign four years in" cycle. You can effectively debut these guys in larger roles and have the fans buy it going in; you just have to do it right.

I anxiously await to see if the WWF follows suit with Bryan Danielson. If not, things may be hopelessly backwards for a while.

Winner: Kurt Angle
My Pick: Desmond, but Kurt will make him look like a million bucks either way.

TNA Championship
AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Daniels

A rematch of the best TNA match I've ever seen, their 2005 tilt which I had at somewhere around ****3/4-*****. Tonight's probably won't be that good, but still may be good enough to merit buying the show on its own.

Winner: AJ Styles
My Pick: AJ, too soon to take the belt off your franchise player.

Overall: Buy this, skip a lackluster Survivor Series next week, and enjoy the feeling. If you only base your selections on what I recommend, it's very possible that you'll love tonight's show and then never watch a TNA show again.

6 weeks left til Hogan. Go get 'em, boys.

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