Sunday, January 27, 2008

Royal Rumble Romp

God, I miss the good old days. This is my favorite WWF pay per view of the year, WM included (I'm weird like that) and it was never better than the 1992 and 2000 editions. Tonight it's coming live from MSG, so let's hope there's a New York State-related every-eight-years charm

Picks (in projected match order) after the jump....

No Stakes Whatsoever
Chris Jericho vs. JBL

Winner: I'll say JBL due to Texan shenanigans, neither of these guys is really doing anything until WM24 anyway. Are we sure they're not retired?
I'm Rooting For: Who Gives A Fuck, err.....JBL, I guess

World Heavyweight Championship
Rey Mysterio vs. Edge

Early reports are saying that this may end up being the match of the night; supposedly, they (and Orton-Hardy) are getting close to 20 minutes for it. I like the four-match undercard here, more time for guys this talented is never a bad thing. I also love midgets and Canadians of every variety, so I have high hopes for this one (weird that among active wrestlers, Edge is now pretty much carrying the flag for that entire country). I don't think Edge drops the belt until Wrestlemania to the Taker, in the rumored "Streak vs. Streak That Doesn't Actually Exist" match.

Winner: Edge
My Pick: Edge. (Canadians > Midgets)

MVP vs. Ric Flair

It's not going to happen, and I know it, Still, though, could you imagine if they put MVP over tonight? Ric Flair's career ends in Madison Square Garden, the home arena of a company he led the fight against, front-and-center, for 20 years. In the process, the WWF drives one last stake into the 150-times-hammered-shut coffin of WCW and makes MVP into a superduperstar on the biggest stage possible. Look, I'd to see Flair take it to WrestleMania, but for a match ending rich in symbolism, I'm not sure you'd have a chance to top this for quite a while. Hey, let's face it....he's probably not going to stay retired anyway.

Winner: Ric Flair
My Pick: MVP

WWF Championship
Randy Orton v. Jeff Hardy

I'll admit surprise at the choice of Jeff Hardy to be in this match - at the time, it seemed likely that they just had no other plan, and were staving off HHH-Orton until WrestleMania. Really, though, does anyone want to see HHH-Orton at WrestleMania? I've never really understood the idea of HHH as a face at any point in his career, the guy plays a much better heel, and my mark side would even be pulling for Orton in that match.

It really did appear at first that Hardy was getting the 2003 Hardcore Holly/2006 Mark Henry Royal Rumble push; "hey, we don't really have a huge title match for this show, but this guy's been with us for a long time, let's give him a month in the spotlight". Hardy has clearly surpassed that; unlike the previous two, his month or so has been incredibly memorable, and he's coming into this PPV on fire with the fans. 30-foot Swantons off of Titantrons will do that for you. He's aout to make the leap - a win here would actually mean the world to his character, whereas Orton could clearly survive a loss. C'mon guys, pull the trigger here, he can always just drop it back to Orton at No Way Out in a month.

Winner: Jeff Hardy by DQ, Randall keeps strap
My Pick: Jeff Hardy

The Royal Rumble Match

For the third straight year, I don't really have a set idea of who's winning here, although I assume it'll be Triple H or the Undertaker, and it will be underwhelming. They're doing well with keeping it a surprise as of late, but every year it seems to lose a bit of meaning - probably because it only sets up one of 3-4 WM main events, rather than setting the Big One in stone.

Winner: The Undertaker
My Pick: CM Punk - the pop would be huge, and come on, the Taker doesn't need this.


BUY THIS ONE (or watch it online somewhere). Seriously, it's one of the Big Four (my personal favorite, since it sets up Mania), and it's coming from the home arena of the WWF. My money is that someone steps up to the plate, like Flair in 1992 or Cactus Jack/HHH/Rocky in 2000, and makes this one unforgettable.

Enjoy the show, folks.

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Monday, January 21, 2008

new digs baby

Apologies on last week, a combination of technical difficulties and way too much alcohol has thus far prevented the Drunk RAW Monday diatribe from being posted.

We're sober tonight, and man, isn't RAW looking purty?

Full article on the new set can be found here Read more!

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Drunk RAW Monday


Starting early with American Gladiators and a full bottle of Tullamore Dew, updates to come throughout the night. Read more!

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Welp, We Can Probably Discontinue That Poll Now

Thanks to the whopping six of you who voted, "Other, and probably a disappointment" was the runaway winner.

As for whether this qualifies, I'll let you decide, but I was really holding out hope for Sid.

Dave Meltzer is set to report in tomorrow's Wrestling Observer Newsletter that the latest WWF signing is this "multi-time former World Champion".....

....a slimmed-down Big Show!

(note: slimming-down is only rumored, and is certainly not reflected in this photograph)
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Saturday, January 12, 2008

WWF Signs "Multi-Time World Champion"

It's gotta be him, right?

vote away

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Comparing the Remaining NFL Playoff Teams to Professional Wrestlers

Seeing as we’re coming up on the best weekend of NFL football this year (the 8 presumably best teams playing 4 games total, with a potential classic or two on tap), it’s time for HFR to branch out just a bit and preview the games with a bit of a carny twist. Going from the least to most interesting game.....

Seattle Seahawks - The Undertaker, present day

Always a threat to win a championship, they somehow remain popular despite having already peaked in their current form. In the Seahawks’ case, this happened with the Super Bowl run two years ago. Undertaker? Probably peaked around 1992, switched gimmicks a few times, and then went back to the first one for reasons that elude me. Perhaps in a few years the Hawks will do the same - switch back to the blue jerseys and less-imposing logo, re-sign Dave Kreig, and insist over Goodell objections that they play in the AFC West.

@ Green Bay Packers - Ric Flair, 1996

Maybe they can’t do the running-into-the-turnbuckle thing anymore, but they can still move, dammit, and they’re not deterred by everyone saying they should’ve retired 5 years ago (really only applies to Favre, but whatever, no one’s watching this game for Greg Jennings).

(aside for Greg Jennings’ immediate family: he’s probably more Mongo McMichael than Arn Anderson)

(aside for Brett Favre: defying Father Time worked well enough for 1996 Flair. That was twelve years ago. He hasn’t retired yet. It’s becoming a problem. Take note.)

Pick: Green Bay gets the nod here; Flair doesn’t lose in Charlotte, and you never know, Tully Blanchard might be in the first row with a steel chair.

New York Giants - Barry Horowitz, 1995

@ Dallas Cowboys - The Body Donnas, 1995

Just think of Romo as Chris Candido - the moderately good team leader with a smoking-hot, out-of-his-league girlfriend. The parallels to specific team members end there; maybe Wade Phillips is Tom Pritchard, but there’s no real Terrell Owens in the pack, as pro wrestling promoters are still adapting to the whole “black people” thing.

The natural comparison for Eli would probably be career jobber the Brooklyn Brawler, but just as Horowitz lost most of his matches before improbably pinning Skip and going on a hot streak, so did Eli choke in most all important games throughout his career before nearly beating the unstoppable Pats two weeks ago, then rolling through Tampa on Sunday. Also their signature gestures - Horowitz’s “self pat-on-the-back” and Eli’s “I’m going to go vomit angrily” facial expressions - failed to endear them to a mass audience.

Pick: They’ve lost twice to the Cowboys this year, but the third time’s the charm as the hot streak continues and the Giants prevail. Self pat-on-the-back!

San Diego Chargers - Ultimate Warrior, 1995

Not the world-beater from WrestleMania 6, but the unhinged lunatic that would show up for three weeks at a time, look formidable, and then disappear without warning. Sure, they look good now, but Norv Turner’s in charge, their best defensive player likes the HGH and looks like Kingpin a little bit, and their QB is a total douche. Like the three metric tons of horse semen that the Warrior probably ate for breakfast every day, these forces will conspire against them.

@ Indianapolis Colts - Bret Hart, 1994

Non-offensive, solid and flawless in nearly every aspect of their game and just good enough to win championships when the super-dynasties are at less than peak strength. Hart benefited from a post-Hogan, pre-Austin WWF in the mid-90s, and the Colts enjoyed a narrow defeat over the Pats last year when their best receiver was a bug-eyed guy best known for dropping passes.

Note: I never really liked Hart that much , but as a Colts fan, I’m hoping for the NFL Wrestlemania 10 this year. Can someone please throw some salt in Brady’s face?

Pick: Solid and very good beats crazy and occasionally great, Colts don't lose until Foxboro next week

Jacksonville Jaguars - Lex Luger, a few years before this happened:

Popular pick to be the next Hogan, never really measured up. The epitome of the perennial sleeper that keeps napping.


@ New England Patriots - Hollywood Hulk Hogan, 1998

You remember this, right? The Pats used to be popular; the team that beat the juggernaut 2001 Rams right after 9/11, in a game where U2 brought the house down at halftime and 18,000 hacky broadcasters busted out the “on this day, we are all Patriots” line. They even ruined part of the Super Bowl for every subsequent year by insisting on being introduced as a team rather than individuals, an act that also served the purpose of making Mike Martz look like an ass. They might as well have entered to Real American, and like the Hulkster, they didn’t stop being popular overnight - it just went from a complete sensation to grudging cheers, then to smatterings of boos around the time of their SB win against the Eagles. Last year, nobody could stop harping on how they were “sick of the Patriots”, so like Hogan in 1996, they got wise this season and painted it black.

Ever since, they’ve gone from “fading” to “reborn and unstoppable”. It took a phenomenon to dethrone Hollywood Hogan - he held the title for almost two years with few interruptions, and only lost it to Goldberg mid-98 at a point when Goldberg was hugely popular and management was hopelessly desperate.

Pick: There’s no 1998 Goldberg in this group. We're still in the phase where Hollywood Hogan beats all comers; hopefully this is followed by Tom Brady spraypainting the Lombardi black and Belichick hosting the 2019 revival of the American Gladiators revival. For now, the Pats roll, this week and all the way to the trophy.

Those motherfuckers.
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Monday, January 7, 2008

In Honor of The Return of RAW Roulette....

Here's a clip of Uncle Eric and Big Van Vader spinning some wheels and making some deals in 1993. Why, you ask? Because I couldn't find the clip from the year before with Jake Roberts and the midgets.

Of course, the WWF website is intentionally vague on exactly what matches will be on the wheel. I'm thinking we get a cage match, and I'd love to see HITC or the return of the Punjabi Prison, but I don't think they'll care to waste either of those on free TV.

You never know, though - my guess is they'll be taking one hell of a hit this week going up against the American Gladiators revival, which was shockingly decent in its premiere. The one called "Wolf" unleashed one hell of a sunset flip piledriver on the Pyramid challenge, and the show itself is pretty much just one Csonka short of the original. I have to think it's gonna be drawing decent numbers, and the folks in Stamford may not realize this until they get stomped tomorrow night.

So please, Vince, please, do what has to be done.



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Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Meng Dynasty Cannot Be Stopped

Edge can't beat the power of the Asian Facekick

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Saturday, January 5, 2008

woo hah, DVD release schedule!!!!

The good folks at the WWF have officially announced that they will be robbing me of at least $320 over the course of the next year....

Er, well, they actually just released their list of 27(!) planned DVD releases for 2008
1/08 - Royal Rumble Anthology Volume 3
1/08 - Royal Rumble Anthology Volume 4
1/15 - Armageddon 2007
2/12 - Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin
2/26 - Royal Rumble 2008
3/25 - Triple H: The King of Kings - There is Only One
3/25 - No Way Out 2008
4/01 - To Be Announced
5/06 - Evolution of the Hardys
5/20 - Wrestlemania 24
5/27 - Backlash 2008
6/03 - The Rock: The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment
6/17 - Judgment Day 2008
7/01 - One Night Stand 2008
7/08 - Best of Starrcade
7/22 - Vengeance 2008
8/05 - SummerSlam: Complete Anthology Box Set
8/19 - The Great American Bash 2008
9/09 - Life and Times of Mr. Perfect
9/16 - SummerSlam 2008
10/07 - Complete Hell (Hell in a Cell compilation)
10/14 - Unforgiven 2008
11/04 - Edge
11/04 - No Mercy 2008
11/18 - Randy Savage: Macho Madness
11/25 - Cyber Sunday 2008
12/09 – Sting

Not sure what I'm looking forward to the most, but the Savage/Perfect/Sting/Rock dvds will all be bought on the first day.
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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Haku's The Tuesday News

Of PYBO Votes & Desperate New Year Haikus

Auld Lang Syne for all
Yet in studio I sit
Little News Today

Vote Nineteen Ninety
Subscribers galore shall see
Hogan's cheating ways

Skydome weeps, lacking
Haku-Warrior faceoff
they feign Hulk sellout


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Sober RAW Monday

Temperance is the word over here at HFR, and what better way to ring in our first sober New Year's Eve in quite a while than with a Ric Flair retirement match on RAW Is Charlotte???

Mixed feelings on this show, honestly....the crowd was white-hot throughout the main event, and up until the last minute or so, it was looking like one of the most memorable RAWs in quite a while. Then, a nonsensical and needless DQ finish (Regal does McMahon's bidding to keep HHH out of the Rumble, whereas if he punched Trips instead, he could've ENDED THE CAREER of fellow McMahon nemesis Flair) deflated Flair Country and kept the rest of us from witnessing what wouldve been a truly amazing moment if it had just ended clean, either way.

Really enjoyed Flair's work in this one, as well - it looks to the untrained eye as if he's literally exerting every ounce of energy his body possesses on routine hiptosses and chopblocks. Forget the Brett Favre parallels - the sports equivalent of this angle would be Terry Bradshaw coming back for one last Super Bowl run, only if Terry Bradshaw were as good in his prime as Tom Brady is right now.

My point is, this would be stretching the limits of even Pro Wrestling Believability were it not for Flair's knack for projecting vulnerability so well throughout his matches. I assume that Flair himself has blurred the distinction between real and fake to the point of negligibility, and seeing him get a final burst of recognition is actually touching in a way - only in wrestling can the '72 Dolphins come back for one last ride in 2008, rather than grouse about it no longer being 1972 between highballs on the links. The world looks much better if you invest in sequined robes, Mercury Morris.

The rest of the show was alright; Randy Orton would make for much more of a badass were he to wear a shirt from time to time. Also if he didn't stand panting over every downed opponent.
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lordy, lordy, we're live

more coming soon, we promise. seriously, it won't all just be posts of Bobby Heenan pointing at you. Read more!

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