Sunday, July 17, 2011

Money In The Bank Preview!


Mark me down as astonished at how many people seem to believe this is Punk's last night in the company. Dave Meltzer even mentioned in his update today that Punk is almost definitely leaving, which I agree is likely, but not until after Summerslam. The hints have all been dropped; I think we're in for another month or so of fun. Tonight, specifically, should be tremendous fun.

RAW Money In The Bank Match
Rey Mysterio vs. Alex Riley vs. Evan Bourne vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. The Miz vs. R-Truth vs. Jack Swagger

If there's a cash-in coming later in the evening, as many are speculating, you'd expect Del Rio to win here. I'd be on board with almost anything else - Del Rio already won that #1 contender's match, and the title match later will be best if like twenty different scenarios are in play going in. Just please no SAY IT TO MY FAAAAACE Alex Riley briefcase push.

Winner: The Miz, who cashes in on the SMACKDOWN winner and then wins the title and heads over there for a while. They need heels, you see.
My Pick: R-Truth, because I'm not yet sick of his new heel schtick. However, they may have blown him off when he got okie-doked by Little Jimmy at Capitol Punishment.

Big Show vs. Mark Henry

I am way more excited than I should be for this match.

Winner: Mark Henry
My Pick: The same

WCW Championship
Randy Orton vs. Christian

Should be an excellent match, much like the last two PPV matches they've done. Christian is good as a heel, but he really needs the old version of his music back.

Winner: Randy Orton, then Miz cashes in
My Pick: Christian

SMACKDOWN Money In The Bank Match
Sin Cara vs. Kane vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Wade Barrett vs. Heath Slater vs. Justin Gabriel

Jeez, they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for participants here. I wish at least one of these matches would just use the old 6-man format - 8 is too many to jam in, and I doubt anyone would miss Slater or Gabriel.

Winner: Sheamus, or a mystery guy who gets put in the match after not winning the first one. Who knows, it could just be someone they want to feed to Cena or Punk later in the show.
My Pick: DANIEL BRYAN! Good on you for getting on a PPV card!

WWF Women's Championship
Kelly Kelly vs. One (1) Bella

If you are a human, and you are not an identical twin or part of the Kelly Kelly Kelly family, it is impossible for you to care about this match.

Winner: The two Kellys defeat the one Bella
My Pick: A sweet merciful end to this match

WWF Championship
John Cena vs. CM Punk

This is the big one. I can't remember a B-show with a main event this big in quite some time, and they could go tons of different routes with this. The safe pick for them is Punk winning followed by Del Rio cashing in to take the belt; however, I have a bit more faith in them than that, and I think they've talked Punk into staying for another month. I say he wins here, and then in my dream world takes the belt to ROH or something like that as they film vignettes of a fired Cena following him around the country and trying to win it back. If they put some effort into this, the next month or two could be really, really cool.

Winner: CM Punk
My Pick: CM Punk wins & walks out as champion, Raw does a 4 tomorrow night

Overall: Holy crap, enjoy. I can't wait for this to start.
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Sunday, April 3, 2011

WrestleMania XXVII Preview

It's about that time......

I admit, I'm not as excited for this Wrestlemania as last year's, but still, THE ROCK!!!! The patron saint of this website has returned, and for that alone I would shell out my hard-earned dough. The Georgia Dome has long been one of my favorite big-time wrestling venues, and based on an early photo, the inside looks quite nice right now:Let's get to the card, quickly, because I forgot about the early start time.

Rey Mysterio vs. Dashing Cody Rhodes

I initially typed "Bashing Cody Rhodes" by mistake, which would be great if he needs a gimmick change. I'm loving the Mankindish vibes to his promos lately, and this guy's work on the mic has shown a charisma that I never really thought he had. He goes over here in my first upset of the night.

Winner: The BASHING one.
My Pick: The same.

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk

Rooting for Punk here, but really I just hope these two can come through with a good match.

Winner; Randy Orton
My Pick: CM Punk

John Morrison, Trish Stratus & Snooki vs. Dolph Ziggler & Laycool

I don't think this is going to be as much of a trainwreck as others seem to, mainly due to the fact that everyone in it other than Snooki is pretty good.

Winner: Snooki Team
My Pick: Heel Team, so Vickie can cackle afterwards. Dolph is great, too.

WCW United States Championship
Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus

IF this doesn't get pulled from the show, I'm expecting the match of the night. They had better give these two some time, both are really awesome and more than capable of stealing the show.

Winner: Sheamus
My Pick: Daniel Bryan

WCW Championship
Edge (w/ Christian) vs. Alberto Del Rio (w/ Brodus Clay)

I don't care who wins, I just want a Christian turn. He's awful as a babyface and a great heel. Screw Edge over, I don't care, whatever it takes.

Winner: Alberto
My Pick: Del REEEEEEE-OHHHHHHH, and the return of the real Captain Charisma.

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole
Special Ref: Stone Cold Steve Austin
I'm looking forward to this just as much as the title match. Lawler should pull some Memphis tricks out of the bag and finally give Cole his just desserts.

Winner: Jerry Lawler
My Pick: Lawler, and I will likely be shouting at the tv during this.

Streak vs. Eternal Sadness
The Undertaker vs. Triple H

I didn't give a shit about this match until the neato video package and then Shawn Michaels' involvement on Monday. Now I am keenly interested. Despite their best efforts at having Taker come off like a dick, is anyone rooting for Hunter here?

Winner: Undertaker
My Pick: Taker, though watching the internet explode if Triple H won might be worth ending the Streak.

Concession Stand Break
Big Show, Kane, Santino Marella & Kofi Kingston vs. The Corre

Hey, it's a meaningless tag match! I like 2/5 of the babyfaces and 1/2 of a heel, so let's go team Show.

Winner: Good guys
My Pick: Good guys, Santino getting the pin.

WWF Championship
John Cena vs. The Miz

I like Miz more than most as champ, mainly because the title seems more important than it has in the past - not because of him really, just because the haven't switched it in a while. I believe that trend ends tonight, though if the Axxess reactions are to be believed, Cena is going to be anything but a babyface. I say Cena wins here, Rock hugs him afterwards and then LAYS HIM THE FUCK OUT to build to either Summerslam or Wrestlemania 28 in Miami.

Winner: John Cena
My Pick: The Rock, via WMIX Hulkster shenanigans

Overall: Not as must-see-at-the-exact-time-it-happens as last year's show, but still - it's freaking Wrestlemania. This is not a show where you want to mess around with streams. Just order the damn thing.

Enjoy, folks.
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Sunday, February 20, 2011

No Way Out 2011 Preview!

Honor no marketing catchphrases, kids. Join me and the good people of Germany for a pay per view exravaganza that is most certainly not called Elimination Chamber!
Quick one this week since I have less than a half hour til it starts. On to the matches:

Smackdown Elimination Chamber
Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Wade Barrett vs. Kane vs. Drew McIntyre vs. ???

Ain't no way this is any less than six dudes. I'm picking Dolph as the sixth entrant but not the winner.

Winner: Edge
My Pick: Eh, Edge, why not

No Stakes Whatsoever
Kofi Kingston vs. Alberto Del Rio

Alberto squashes the competition on the road to Wrestlemania.

Winner: Albertooooooo
My Pick:.....Del RRRRRRRRRRRRiiiiiiiiioooooooo

WWF Tag Team Championship
Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov vs. Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater

This should be fun, actually. Don't expect a title change here.

Winner: Team Santino
My Pick: The same

WWF Championship
Jerry "the King" Lawler vs. The Miz

Now THIS is the one I'm interested in. If there's ever a time to pull the trigger on an awesome "old guy beats the odds and wins the title" storyline, it's now.

Winner: The Miz
My Pick: Jerry Lawler

Raw Elimination Chamber
John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. John Morrison vs. R-Truth vs. CM Punk vs. Sheamus

Probably the main event, and it seems like they have to put Cena over, right? After Rocky's surprise vivisection of him Monday, I'm really hoping they surprise us here and give us Cena-Rock at Mania.

Winner: John Cena
My Pick: John Morrison

Overall: Two Chambers, a fun title match, and Wrestlemania is next month. What more do you want? ORDER THIS.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011


Has there ever, EVER been a WWF pay per view before where only 4 matches were advertised to take place? None are coming to mind. This undercard is nothing special, but the Rumble is the real show here anyway, and there are ten extra guys this year, so I'm cool with it. I'm a pretty staunch traditionalist when it comes to the WWF, but it's not like they haven't changed the Rumble before. I'm very curious to see how this works out, and geez, it's the ROYAL RUMBLE! If this show doesn't excite you (even in a weak year like this one), you probably don't like wrasslin' too much.

Let's burn through this undercard and then get to the big one. Picks, in projected match order:

WCW Championship
Edge vs. Dolph Ziggler

This, young people, is called the Hardcore Holly Royal Rumble Halfassed Title Contender Push (HHRRHTCP). The tradition of doing this is fun, and I know titles are almost meaningless in the WWF now, but I would legitimately be surprised if young Dolph won here.

Winner: Edge
My Pick: Edge, despite recent Kane-related shittiness on his part.

WWF Women's Championship
Handicap Match
Natalya vs. LayCool

NATTIE! It's so great to see my favorite women's wrestler for three years running finally get a title push, even if her postmatch celebrations are strange and borderline autistic (namely the constant pointing at crowd members and yelling "YOU GUYSSSSSSSS!".

Unfortunately it's Mania season, which means it's probably time to give the titles back to their biggest women's act. I'm just hoping that we see the debut of a bigger women's act here.

Winner: LayCool
My Pick: Natalya and the debut of KONG

WWF Championship
Randy Orton vs. The Miz

This one I'm sort of split on. This blog has been a fan of the Miz for a while, ever since regrettably noting in 2009 that he was destined for the unemployment line after the breakup of his tag team with Morrison. He has something, no doubt, but he's missing something too - he's just average in the ring, and surprisingly hit-or-miss on the mic for a guy whose rep is based entirely on his mic skills. I like him, I like lengthy heel reigns, and I like traditional biggest-face-vs-biggest-heel-for-the-title matches at Mania. That said, Cena-Orton at Mania would be ok too, and Miz's reign so far is a lot like what would happen if you gave the WWF title to the Honky Tonk Man.

So I'm split here. If Cena isn't the challenger, I don't want the belt on Orton at Mania, though.

Winner: Randy Orton, because the combination of the "Miz can lose at any time" booking and their scatterbrained attitude towards title changes has me sucked in.
My Pick: The Miz, I suppose.

The Royal Rumble Match

Folks, we had something pretty amazing happen last year. Our predictions are usually reliably and insanely wrong, but with the debut of the Royal Rumble Countdown, we actually hit it right on the mark, going with surprise winner Edge! Do not expect a repeat performance.

For your gambling pleasure, here's Year Two of the ROYAL RUMBLE COUNTDOWN! Your most likely 30 Rumble participants (only 34 currently announced), ranked in reverse likelihood of victory. Much like NBC's lineup in the years where they had no hits but Friends, this edition is SUPERSIZED! to deal with the 40-man edition of the Rumble this year. Here we go:


40. Primo Colon

As soon as you hear that music, it's alllll over. Ain't no Wrestlemania main event like a Primo Colon Wrestlemania main event, amiright?

The Bushwhacker Luke Division
(lucky if they remain in the match for 15 seconds without getting humiliated)

39. Darren Young
38. Yoshi Tatsu
37. JTG
36. Tyson Kidd
35. Zack Ryder
34. Santino Marella
33. Ted DiBiase

Last year's dark horse is this year's Bushwhacker Luke Division headliner. Sorry, Teddy, but you're not winning this. Note: #s 33-36 on this list have HFR's full support as potential winners. We would bankrupt any wrestling promotion in the world for the sake of great gimmicks.

The David Otunga Hopeless Lackey Division
(A new addition this year for the Nexus/Corre guys with no chance in hell)

32. David Otunga
31. Heath Slater
30. Michael McGillicuddy
29. Justin Gabriel
28. Husky Harris

That's in reverse order of how much I like them. I loathe Otunga.

The Dory Funk Jr. Division

(surprise entrants who aren't very good surprises)

27. Christian (unannounced)
26. Tyler Reks (unannounced)
25. Booker T (unannounced)

Much like the jobber divisions above, this one is going to be unusually stacked this year. It blows my mind that there's a bidding war over Nash and Booker T in 2011, but so it goes. Nash is plenty underwhelming as a surprise, but isn't listed juuuuust yet....

The Akeem Division

(for giant clods with no chance of winning)

24. Vladimir Kozlov
23. Mark Henry
22. Chris Masters
21. Ezekiel Jackson
20. Kane

Impressively, 3 of the 5 in this group are Repeat Clods from 2010. Still no Nash, hmmmm....

The Jerry Sags Divison of Deadwood

(yeah, they're not winning either)

19. David Hart Smith
18. R-Truth
17. Daniel Bryan
16. William Regal
15. The Big Show
14. Jack Swagger
13. Drew McIntyre

We're getting into the major leagues now. Harry Boy Smith just missed the jobber rounds since I like him so much, and I'll also be rooting for Bryan and Regal for as long as they're in.

The Diesel Push Division

(not even named after Diesel, but his Push)

12. Mason Ryan

I was going back and forth as to whether they'd give it to Ryan or Zeke Jackson this year. I think it's going to be Ryan, but there may be a better option....

11. Diesel (unannounced)

We know he's showing up anyway; if Diesel gets an honorary Diesel Push, I will mark out to the point of running around my house screaming.

The Randy Savage/Jake Roberts Division

(pairs of guys who are currently feuding and will probably take each other out)
10. Cody Rhodes (unannounced)
9. Rey Mysterio

Phantom of the Opera-mask Cody is out for revenge! Plus it's not like they'll let Rey Rey win the Rumble twice.

The Dark Horse

8. John Morrison

Did they blow off his Miz feud on TV so JoMo could save the PPV matchup for Wrestlemania? At least if he wins, please don't call him The Prince of Parkour again.

The Contenders

7. Kofi Kingston
6. Wade Barrett
5. King Sheamus
4. Triple H (unannounced)

Trips is a mortal lock to show up either tonight or tomorrow night, but I don't think he wins; if anything, he knocks himself and Sheamus back to the Savage/Roberts division.

The Favorites

3. Alberto Del Rio
2. CM Punk

I want Punk to win. I want to pick him to win. I really do. But he's a heel, and I don't see what the WM matchup would be aside from with a face champion Cena, and well.....

The 2011 Royal Rumble Winner

1. John Cena

Sorry folks, but it's the Year of Cena anyway. Your new reigning Wrestling Observer Wrestler of the Year probably has a better chance than anyone else in this one. I don't actually expect him to win, which is odd; I just expect him to win more than I expect anyone else to. We'll see.

This is always the best wrestling night of the year for me. Order the show, folks. Rumbles rarely disappoint.
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