Saturday, November 22, 2008

Survivor Series Preview

Very quick this week since I waited until 5 mins before the PPV to get started, just picks but I promise I'll do a recap for it.

The Christian Soldiers vs. The Million Dollar Pricks

Winner: Team Michaels
My Pick: Don't care really, lets get Khali out early though, eh? Also, the more Miz & Morrison the better

Casket Match
The Undertaker vs. The Big Show

Winner: Undertaker, unless they really, really want to drag this out
My Pick: Don't care, the whole Vickie-in-the-casket thing has soured me on this.

Evolution Explodes!
The Filthy Animals vs. The Randy Orton Rogues Gallery

Winner: Batista as sole survivor
My Pick: Orton & Rhodes, finally forming the WWF's only real faction.

WWF Championship
Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Vladimir Kozlov

Apparently there was a goofy injury angle last night that might keep Jeff out of this, I doubt it though.

Winner: Triple H via Edgeterference
My Pick: new-look Jeff Hardy taking the title

Divas Elimination Match
Winner: Don't know, don't really care
My Pick: Anything that spotlights Santino and Nattie, in that order. Hey, Nattie's on PPV again!

WCW Championship
Chris Jericho vs. John Cena

It'll be interesting to see how the hometown crowd reacts to Cena here, I'm guessing it'll be with boos. Doubtful that they do the title switch here, but you never know.

Winner: Chris Jericho
My Pick: Chris Jericho

Recommendation: "Order" the "replay"; I wouldn't be chomping at the bit to buy this at all, Big Four ppv or not.

Review to come shortly, I swear....
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