Thursday, December 11, 2008

Armageddon Preview!

Six Whole Matches!

That's right, six - all of them singles matches, none of them stip matches (okay, one, sort of), and at least three that would be more likely to be on free weekly tv than somewhere like this. (Four if you count the Divas match, but then the match total is technically seven. I say it doesn't count, since Mae Young is apparently going to be involved). Not a lot of these should eat up a great deal of time.

Belfast Brawl
Finlay (w/Hornswoggle) vs. Mark Henry (w/Tony Atlas)

Not entirely sure what a "Belfast Brawl" is - is that the same match Finlay and JBL had at Wrestlemania? - but this is a match I didn't exactly expect to see on pay per view.

Winner: Finlay
My Pick: Finlay

IC Tournament Finals (Winner gets a shot at Regal)
CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio

You know, if they really wanted to reestablish the IC belt as a credible title, they'd put this on after Batista-Orton. My gut tells me they're not that serious about doing so, though, and that the whole Intercontinental elevation will be forgotten as soon as they move onto the next DVD release. Face it - as long as they have two world titles, the Intercontinental Championship will never mean what it used to.

Whatever, at least they'll likely give it to someone better than Regal.

Winner: CM Punk, since he and Kofi dropped the tag belts last night (and to a much better team, I might add).
My Pick: Rey Mysterio - an IC run could hurt Punk, but this would be the perfect title for Mysterio to defend. It wouldn't seem as implausible as his world title run, kids would totally buy it, and he has a high-enough profile to actually do something for the belt. Then again, I also thought Santino was the ideal IC champ.

Matt Hardy vs, Vladimir Kozlov
This is non-title. I smells a Virgil-meets-Yokozuna level squasharoo

Winner: Drago
My Pick: Mattitude, I'm sick of the Russian and his stunning inability to wrestle. This is two months after I endorsed him for WWF champ due to Triple H Sickness, but I was probably under the influence at the time.

Batista vs. Randy Orton
Well, Batista laid down clean for Orton on Monday, so we probably know the winner here. We can still hold out hope for the official formation of The Legacy, though. Speaking of which, wouldn't the ultimate payoff to the Legacy angle be Orton getting tossed as the faction leader for a returning Rock? Just sayin', it would be quite a moment.

Winner: Batista
My Pick: Mr. Orton, who's been getting bigger crowd reactions lately than any active wrestler aside from Cena

Santa's Little Helper Match
MIchelle McCool, Mickie James, Kelly Kelly & Maria vs. Maryse, Victoria, Natalya, and Jillian

Winner: I have no idea at all, since there was no build to this match whatsoever
My Pick: Team Neidhart

WWF Championship
Edge vs. Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy

I must admit, the swerve in the Survivor Series match was beautiful, no matter how classless and poorly-handled the Jeff Hardy component of the angle was. I love Edge as champ. May his reign last a calendar year or more, eh?

Now get a new fucking belt, and not the Rated R Spinner. Thanks, buddy.

Winner: Edge
My Pick: Edge

WCW Championship
John Cena vs. Chris Jericho

Although his actual character hasn't really evolved at all, the returning Cena seems to have regained the mojo that seemed to go missing during the summer, and his popularity has firmly surpassed the Bret Hart/Undertaker/Shawn Michaels level to settle below (far below, says I) only Hogan, Austin, and The Rock. I'd still love to see him take it to the next level, as much as I doubt that he ever will. He'd be absolute money as a heel, and they've kept him face for so long that if they wait a few more years, his turn could be Bash at the Beach '96-lite for a whole new generation of fans.

In other words, call me newly bullish on this guy. I'm not even drunk right now, I swear.

Winner: John Cena
My Pick: John Cena

Recommendation: A bit of a scattershot card for one of the quickie three-week-buildup shows, and it's nothing I can recommend that you buy, especially with the Royal Rumble-No Way Out-WM25 trifecta on the horizon. This is certainly worth watching if you have a way to do so that doesn't involve paying for it; otherwise, save your pennies, it's a recession and the next three are gonna be costly.
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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Survivor Series Preview

Very quick this week since I waited until 5 mins before the PPV to get started, just picks but I promise I'll do a recap for it.

The Christian Soldiers vs. The Million Dollar Pricks

Winner: Team Michaels
My Pick: Don't care really, lets get Khali out early though, eh? Also, the more Miz & Morrison the better

Casket Match
The Undertaker vs. The Big Show

Winner: Undertaker, unless they really, really want to drag this out
My Pick: Don't care, the whole Vickie-in-the-casket thing has soured me on this.

Evolution Explodes!
The Filthy Animals vs. The Randy Orton Rogues Gallery

Winner: Batista as sole survivor
My Pick: Orton & Rhodes, finally forming the WWF's only real faction.

WWF Championship
Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Vladimir Kozlov

Apparently there was a goofy injury angle last night that might keep Jeff out of this, I doubt it though.

Winner: Triple H via Edgeterference
My Pick: new-look Jeff Hardy taking the title

Divas Elimination Match
Winner: Don't know, don't really care
My Pick: Anything that spotlights Santino and Nattie, in that order. Hey, Nattie's on PPV again!

WCW Championship
Chris Jericho vs. John Cena

It'll be interesting to see how the hometown crowd reacts to Cena here, I'm guessing it'll be with boos. Doubtful that they do the title switch here, but you never know.

Winner: Chris Jericho
My Pick: Chris Jericho

Recommendation: "Order" the "replay"; I wouldn't be chomping at the bit to buy this at all, Big Four ppv or not.

Review to come shortly, I swear....
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Monday, October 27, 2008

Cyber Sunday Preview

Getting you ready for the show, even though it happened yesterday.

Let's get cracking, eh?

WCW US Championship
Shelton Benjamin vs, Fans' Choice (R-Truth, MVP, Festus)

This was on the preshow, and may not be on my copy - I would think the best match would be MVP, but I doubt the fans like him enough to spend money on costly MVP-boosting text messages.

Winner: Shelton over Festus, choice of children from coast to coast
My Pick: Shelton over R-Truth, since I've yet to see R-Truth.

Rey Mysterio vs. Kane
Fans' Choice Match (Falls Count Anywhere, No Holds Barred, 2 out of 3 Falls)

I'd prefer 2 of 3 falls, I guess, since these guys generally seem better if they stay in the ring. These are all essentially the same match, but these two have chemistry together.

Winner: Kane
My Pick: Rey, who looked quite rejuvenated in his last PPV match.

WWF Intercontinental Championship
Santino Marella vs. Fans' Choice (Roddy Piper, Goldust, Honky Tonk-y Man)Obviously not the workrate classic of the evening, but I'm looking forward to it as much as anything. You, I, and everyone watching wants the same thing here.

Winner & My Pick: Santino, beating the Honky Tonk Man with a guitar shot and adding another week to the Honk-A-Meter!

Tag Team Match
Fans' Choice (Noble/Mickie vs. Regal/Layla, Cryme Tyme vs. Morrison & The Miz, CM Punk & Kofi vs. Rhodes/Dibiase)

The stip matches on this show are all of the "three choices that are really all the same thing" variety; on the other hand, this match and the next do a better job of piquing curiosity and presenting interesting alternatives than any other matches on the card. I certainly don't want to see a low-grade mixed-gender tag that belongs on RAW, but both of the other two matchups have been built well and would be a welcome chance to see these guys showcased on pay-per-view. I'm fine with either, although if pressed, I'd opt to see the title defense.

Winner: Rhodes/Dibiase over Punk/Kingston
My Pick: Exactly that

ECW Championship
Matt Hardy vs. Fans' Choice (Mark Henry, Evan Bourne, Finlay) Here's the best use of the Cyber Sunday gimmick that we're likely to see - one opponent who's been a tad overexposed lately, and two who could have dynamic yet dramatically different styles of matches with Mr. Hardy. I'd be happy to see either one, although my vote is for Bourne.

Winner: Matt Hardy over Finlay
My Pick: Evan Bourne over Matt Hardy; give this man the ECW ball and let him run with it, by gawd.

Large Man Showdown
The Undertaker vs. The Big Show
Fans' Choice Match (Knockout Match, I Quit Match, Last Man Standing Match)

Quick: What's the difference between a Knockout Match and a Last Man Standing match? You don't know either?

I was loving the happy-go-lucky stoner Big Show that existed for 3 minutes at Unforgiven before his heel turn, but really, I don't mind either guy winning here, and the match may even be a pleasant surprise like the one last month.

Winner: Undertaker in a Last Man Standing Knockout Match
My Pick: Big Show, by KO

WWF Championship
Triple H vs. Fans' Choice (Jeff Hardy, Vladimir Kozlov, Triple Threat Match)
For months, I've tepidly supported HHH in the hopes that the WWF belt would be restored to its former lustre. I don't mean this in any sort of abstract sense; quite literally, I want the appearance of the thing to change. For my money, nothing looked better than the Attitude-era jewel of a belt, and not much looks worse than the cubic zirconia hubcap that Trips is currently toting. Surely, I thought, the guy with actual clout would want to carry around something that looked respectable.

Well, that switch hasn't happened yet. I also happened to read Bret Hart's book this week (best wrestling book of all time, hands down, nothing can beat it ever) and you know what? Fuck Triple H, that's what. Fuck him and his tired act of toilet humor for 10 year olds. Let's bring back some of that good ol'-fashioned 2003-era hatred and get the belt off of this prick, eh?

Winner: Triple H in a triple threat
My Pick: Kozlov, put him over Hardy if need be, I don't care. Fuck Triple H.

WCW Championship
Batista vs. Chris Jericho
Fans Pick Referee (Stone Cold Steve Austin, Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels)

Seth Mates over at Newsday is saying that Batista gets the win here, and I can see his case - especially with Orton on his way back and in need of a babyface counterpart. I'm officially swayed, and Michaels as a guest ref would give them an easy way to pull it off. The WWF is pushing Stone Cold for this spot, and may well fix the voting (hell, all of these could be fixed for all we know). Really though, the last thing I want to see is a hobbled, tired Austin in this spot. If he does win the vote, let's hope that JR's blog postings about Austin being in great shape haven't just been friendly reassurances.

Winner: Batista
My Pick: Chris Jericho

Recommendation: Um, well, it's Monday night as I'm writing this, so I'd recommend that you, erm, order the replay. You know, the special replay, the one that costs $0.

I'll post opinions on said replay later in the week. Enjoy the show, folks.
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Sunday, October 5, 2008

No Mercy Preview

A Ladder Match for the Ages, and six other matches that you'll probably forget by tomorrow....

Let's get right to it...

Rey Mysterio vs. Kane
It's not WWF style to promote a stipulation like Rey losing his mask and not deliver on it. If it must be done, let's just hope they don't have him start rapping like WCW did.

Winner: Kane
My Pick: Rey Rey, and for this to just be a quick opener

#1 Contender's Match
Batista vs. JBL

Let's see - next month's pay per view has a voting gimmick? And there are multiple challengers to both heavyweight belts? Hmmmm.

They usually just go with the vote-for-the-opponent gimmick for one title match, and my money's on that being for Smackdown. Batista goes over here methinks, with the vote being on, I don't know, the stipulation or the guest ref or something. If this is a double DQ or a disputed finish, though, I wouldn't be surprised.

Winner: Batista
My Pick: Batista - I don't want to see JBL in the ring any more than you do.

ECW Championship
Matt Hardy vs. Mark Henry

Eh, don't really care. As much as I keep reading about how well-done ECW has been over the past few months, the title itself just doesn't have much meaning.

Winner: Hardy, probably
My Pick: Ehhhh, why not Hardy, I guess

The Undertaker vs. The Big Show
Taker is supposedly hurt, bad, and Triple H probably needs as many heel challengers as possible for the Cyber Sunday voting. Chalk this one up to the Show, and if anyone from the WWF is reading this, please know that we're very, very thankful this spot is going to Show and not Khali.

Winner: The Big Show
My Pick: The Big Show

WWF Women's Championship
Beth Phoenix vs. Candice Michelle

Glamazon on PPV hopefully means Glamarella on PPV, and that's perfectly fine with me, even if we don't get a PPV Honk-A-Meter.

Winner: Beth Phoenix
My Pick: Santino, er, Beth

WWF Championship
Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy

And here's your clusterf*ck ending for the evening. In a lovely bit of WWF subtle foreshadowing, Vladimir Kozlov is actually IN THE VIDEO PACKAGES for this match, as if it were a triple-threat. You think he might be interfering here? Count on a disputed finish to lead to whatever they come up with for Cyber Sunday.

Winner: HHH (get a new belt, you dealbreaking bastard)
My Pick: HHH

WCW Championship
Ladder Match
Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels

Well - if you're buying the show, this is probably why. This is it, apparently - the end, at least for the next few months, of the best feud of the year. Each of these guys has been in their fair share of absolutely astounding ladder matches, and Michaels in particular is associated with the match more than anyone else. Love Jericho as champ, and totally didn't see it coming at all at Unforgiven - I would've bet a fortune that Orton wouldve been the last participant. This will likely hit the four-star barrier at a minimum, and could easily be the match of the year. The more time they can possibly work in for this, the better.

Winner: Chris Jericho
My Pick: Chris Jericho


Well, it finally happened last month - the WWF shut down most of the live streaming sites, and enterprising folks like myself were forced to wait until the show ended before stealing a copy of it. I don't really understand where they're coming from on this, as it ws always my theory that they tacitly allowed it - moneyless folks like myself aren't going to buy the shows in most cases, but hey, if we're willing to put up with the spotty reception and frequent outages, why not allow interest in your product to burgeon by looking the other way on illicit feeds?

I can't recommend that you buy this show, really - $40 is quite a bit of money to spend on a PPV that's likely to have one memorable match. Normally, I'd tell you to go the cheapskate internet route, but that's likely to prove a challenge if you want to see this live. Personally, I'm going to give it a try, and then probably just download the thing as soon as it's over. If you do buy the thing, though, you're likely to get a good deal of your money's worth on the main event. With most of the other matches, I'm not so sure I'd watch them if they were on free television.

Enjoy the show, folks.
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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Unforgiven Preview

Running late on the preview, so sorry. This is gonna be a good one, though.....

Normally, Unforgiven isn't much of anything special. This year, however, not only do we have the Scramble matches - three championship matches GUARANTEED to hit the 20-minute mark - but the culmination of the unquestioned Feud of the Year in Michaels-Jericho. The WWF is really getting this whole episodic monthly booking thing down to a science, and seems to be taking cues from UFC in having different feuds at different points in the card peak at just the right time to main event the show.

Truncated preview below, and then I'm settling in with a bottle of the vino.

ECW Championship
Twenty Minute Scramble Match
Mark Henry vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Hardy vs. Finlay vs. The Miz

Well, I think they'll have to space these things out so as not to ruin the concept, so one of them's probably going to kick off the show. This may be the only one where we end up regretting that it gets the full 20, although hopefully Finlay can control the pace enough to make it watchable.

Winner: Matt Hardy, since they'll want at least one title change
My Pick: Finlay, but I'd be cool with anyone but Chavito going over here

WWF Tag Team Championship
Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase Jr. vs. Cryme Time

Hey, a PPV tag title match! Let's hope they keep moving towards Evolution 2.0 with Randy and Rhodes/DiBiase (I refuse to call them Simply Priceless until the WWF does and, in the process, admits that they botched the chance for a better name). I like these guys and Cryme Tyme, but I don't think the belts are going anywhere so soon after they were stupidly hotshotted to Cena and Batista.

Winner: Rhodes & DiBiase
My Pick: Rhodes & DiBiase

WWF Championship
Twenty Minute Scramble Match
Triple H vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jeff Hardy vs. MVP vs. The Brian Kendrick

They're not giving it to Benjamin, since he has the US belt already, and most people barely know who Kendrick is. That leaves Hardy and MVP - MVP who's allegedly in the doghouse for not being as good as Shelton Benjamin in the ring, and Jeff Hardy, who's one suspension away from an automatic firing. Plus, in two weeks the show moves to MyNetworkTV, which may or may not be an actual television channel. This is where the Hs are valuable - he's a very capable champion if you're looking for stability and a popular act that hasn't changed one iota since 2001.

The match should be good, though.

Winner: Triple H
My Pick: A new fucking belt. Now.

Unsanctioned Match
Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho

I cannot wait for this match. This will be the highlight of my evening, surely, and hopefully won't be effected to that great an extent because of Michaels' injury. I'd heard ahead of time that this was set to be the blowoff to the feud, and the main event of the show - with Michaels apparently set to be ont he shelf for a while, I assume those plans are off. Still, I bet they tear the house down. We're six months into this feud and it still feels fresh - and my god, is Michaels making a star out of New Jericho or what?

Still, they haven't yet topped their WMXIX match, and I think they have to do that at some point for this to feel complete.

Winner: Jericho, and anyone who wants to see this go until WM25. It could happen.
My Pick: Jericho, and a MOTC rival for Undertaker-Edge

WWF Divas Championship
Michelle McCool vs. Maryse

Goodness, that Maryse is pretty. Wow.

Winner: McCool, since the Taker carries weight
My Pick: The lovely Maryse, and more pictures like this one

WCW Championship
Twenty Minute Scramble Match
CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Batista vs. Kane vs. JBL

I can see anyone in this match winning, and this match will probably make better use of the Scramble gimmick than any other - I expect the last 5 minutes to be utterly fantastic.

Winner: CM Punk, and an Orton appearance in some capacity.
My Pick: Punk, to keep the train rolling until a Survivor Series showdown with Mr. Orton

Recommendation: Buy this if you've got the spare change; three of the primary matches have a set end time, which means that the watching-via-illicit-means crowd may find quite a few crapouts when everyone tries to log in at once. I have no spare change whatsoever, so I'll be riding this out all night. Looking forward to it.
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Sunday, August 17, 2008


Remember last month, when I told you to skip the Great American Bash and save your money? Tonight, I advise you to spend it.

Coming off of the Bash, I wasn't expecting that the SummerSlam card would amount to much, and these fears seemed to be confirmed when the Great Khali was announced as part of a title match. For the past two years, very few WWF pay per views have excited me as little as Summerslam, and last year's effort seemed particularly pitiful at the time.

This year, though, I think they're going to hit one out of the park.

Picks below, in projected match order:

Jeff Hardy vs. MVP

This one is in doubt now, as Hardy may or may not have broken his neck (yeeeargghhh)earlier this week. A shame, too - I love the fact that this is on the card. A glut of titles in the WWF usually means a paucity of non-title grudge matches on major PPVs, but this was billed as a Grudge Match, and honestly, I hope MVP continues his blood feud with the Hardy clan until the end of time. I suppose Shelton or someone could be thrown in here if Hardy's unable to go, but I'd prefer to see these two.

Winner: MVP, if the match happens
My Pick: MVP, or Hardy via Matterference

Winners Take All Tag Team Match
WWF Intercontinental Championship & WWF Women's Championship
Kofi Kingston & Mickie James vs. Santino Marella & Beth Phoenix

Really, I love the undercard of this show almost as much as I love the main event. Santino makes his glorious return to pay-per-view in a match that takes the obligatory women's title defense and tacks on Summerslam exposure for the IC belt and Kofi Kingston. I have a feeling that if Team Santino wins, Santino will somehow be the one that ends up with the Women's championship. I'm actually fine with that, although I'd love another IC run for him as well. Kofi's great and all, but Santino's a guy who could really save the IC belt from irrelevance, and at the same time be made more legitimate himself by holding it. They could be a perfect pair if the writers are so inclined.

Winners: Santino (Women's) and Beth Phoenix (Intercontinental)
My Pick: Same people, opposite titles.

ECW Championship
Matt Hardy vs. Mark Henry

I genuinely like both guys, and I'm happy to see them get a pay-per-view spot. That said, let's hope that they keep it short, eh?

Winner: Mark Henry
My Pick: Mark Henry

WWF Championship
Triple H vs. The Great Khali

I suppose if you're going to force Khali into the title picture, it makes sense to do it on a show that has a Hell in a Cell match to pick up the slack. Let's just hope that it ends here. I have no problem with pushing big men, but if it's a sustained push, Big Show is about twenty times more deserving.

Winner: Triple H
My Pick: Triple H, pretty please.

A Very Special Announcement from Shawn Michaels

If he references Losing His Smile, I will be Losing My Mind in delight. I looooooove this Jericho feud, love the new-look, new-attitude Jericho, love Lance Cade getting the rub because of it all - I'm just enjoying this storytelling so much, and I hope they continue the slow burn until Survivor Series, or even Wrestlemania. This won;t be a match proper, but it still figures to be entertaining as all hell, and if you really think that Michaels is permanently retiring here, I have to question whether or not you've watched wrestling before.

John Cena vs. Batista

Welp, this has been a letdown. Seth Mates has already discussed this over at Newsday, but the booking leading into this is pretty much a textbook example of how to lose money. Not even three weeks of buildup for (allegedly) the WWF's best remaining "dream match" would leave fans wanting more no matter what, but worse, they decided to quickly roll out the overused Russo stock storyline of "unlikely tag partners win titles but hate each other". I have to think that this match wasn't the original plan; everything just seems far too rushed. As for the match itself, I have no idea what to expect, but whether or not this is a memorable encounter will likely be dictated by the Conseco Fieldhouse crowd. At its best, this could have been a Hogan-Warrior showdown, but the fans haven't really been given much reason to invest themselves, and I wouldn't blame them for a lack of enthusiasm.

As much as the build has disappointed, this is still Cena vs. Batista for the first time ever, and I'll be marking out like a madman.

Winner: Batista
My Pick: Cena, assuming sufficient intoxication by this point in the night.

WCW Championship
CM Punk vs. JBL

I'm not sure that Bradshaw could do much with anyone at this point, but after seeing what CM Punk got out of Batista last month, as well as the chemistry that the two had on RAW this week....this could easily steal the show. I have to say, the criticism they're getting for booking Punk as an underdog champ doesn't seem to be justified. I sincerely believe that he could very well lose any high-profile match that he's in, and that even extends to this match. I hope JBL's had his last championship run, but you never know what Vince is thinking, and he's always liked the guy.

Winner: CM Punk
My Pick: CM Punk

Hell in a Cell
The Undertaker vs. Edge

Folks, this is it. This is the reason to buy the show, this is the reason you should be looking forward to it all day Sunday, and this is likely to be the most memorable part of Summerslam. I'm thinking they'll put it on last, because it's Hell in a Cell and because it's the return of the Undertaker and the culmination of a feud that's been going on since the spring of 2007. Every note of this storyline has been hit well. Edge's work, especially as of late, has completely transformed his character and solidified him as the BEST heel in the business. He's somehow been able to draw SYMPATHY for Vickie Guerrero, heretofore the most hated heel the WWF has had in years.

The last HITC match was at Survivor Series, and Edge cost the Taker a win with a camera shot to the face. For anyone who bemoans the lack of long-term planning in the WWF - sometimes rightly so, especially when it pertains to RAW - you need only look at this feud as an example of how fantastic it can really be when they get it right. I can't wait until the 16-month feud comes to a head in the Cell, and if this isn't the main event, I don't know what would be.

Batista and the Undertaker's match in November was a bloody brawl, and while that's certainly welcome here, I also would really love to see them climb the new, larger cage. We know what we're getting from the Undertaker here - the guy's been a fixture in Hell in a Cell matches since their inception. This is Edge's chance to make his mark in the fashion of Michaels and Foley - to work with his opponent, do things that the Undertaker can't quite do, take some chances, and make this one a true epic. The chances of that, as well as the culmination of the whole Vickie/La Famiglia storyline, have me positively giddy with anticipation for this match. Edge seems like the kind of guy who's cognizant of his place in history, and I'm sure he's ready to pull out all of the stops. The line between jaw-dropping moment and life-threatening injury is perilously thin in this type of match, and it may be a tad uncomfortable to watch live, but I've got a gut feeling that he's going to be the first to go off the top of that thing.

Winner: The Undertaker
My Pick: Edge, win or lose, to take his career to another level

Recommendation: If this were a one-match card, and that one match were the Undertaker-Edge HITC, I would still probably tell you to buy it. Aside from that likely Match of the Year candidate, we also have the two title matches, the first-ever Batista-Cena showdown, and a solid undercard. Bust open the piggy bank. Do it.

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Breaking: Jeff Hardy Breaks Neck???

The scoop from Figure 4 Online:

"Jeff Hardy reportedly suffered a broken neck at Tuesday night's SmackDown/ECW taping. He was scheduled to do an autograph signing at a Best Buy in Rockford, Illinois yesterday, but Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase replaced him. Hardy was also advertised for last night's house show in Rockford, but did not appear. is still advertising the Jeff Hardy vs. MVP match for tomorrow night's SummerSlam pay-per-view."
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